'So tired'

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[ Y/n ]

It was late and I was trying to snag a few snacks from the store down the street for Bobert and I. Right now we're sleeping by the dumpsters behind a gas station. I ended up only getting two twinkies before the manager told me they were closing and I had to go.

I walked back to the dumpsters, the twinkies in my hands. I got there and froze for a moment before hiding behind a wall. There was a person, talking to B! We swore not to talk to people when it wasn't necessary so it must be a cop. "-a few of us are squatting. You should come with me back home."

It's a girl??

"I can't leave my girlfriend."

I smiled as if that were some sort of cue for me to walk in. "Baby look!" I ran towards him but slowed down like I'd just noticed this girl. "Oh sweet! Thanks Y/n/n." B kissed my head and I smiled. "Hi, can we help you?" I asked.

"Love, she wants us to come live with her and some of her friends who are also homeless."

"We just squat in houses until someone comes and finds us." She replied grimly. This girl didn't seem too happy that B wasn't single. I was perfectly happy because he's mine. "How does that sound, bunny? Good?" I grabbed his arm and looked up at him.

"Only if we get our own room. With our own bed." I looked back at the girl with a very certain look. If we all had speech bubbles above our heads according to our expressions, mine would say something along the lines of 'yeah I've fucked him and it was amazing'.

Her look is somewhere between 'I'm going to fucking rip your throat out' and 'you're such a bitch.'

B's would say, 'I'm considering and thinking very hard about the pros and cons but hey look at that butterfly- or is that a moth?'

"Okay, I'm good with it if you are Y/n." I shrugged and opened my Twinkie, taking a bite. "It's whatever you think is best for us." Bobert nodded and said that we'd come with her.


After being introduced to all of our new roommates, we got to pick a room. Usually everyone slept in the living room apparently. I can't suck his dick in the living room though. We laid in a real bed together, holding hands. I smiled and looked over at him.

"You know that Susan chick totally has the hots for you."


I sat up and stared at him, waiting for a follow up. When I realized he was serious I scoffed and left the room. Of course B came running after me, pulling me back into our room. He pinned me against the wall and leaned down to my ear. B then proceeded to drag his nose ever so lightly down my face to my neck.

I could his warm breath on my skin, slowly breaking me. I whined and sighed, knowing my small noise had given away that he had already won. B kissed up my neck until he got to my face. One of his hands pulled off of the wall and rested on my hip. "I was just kidding love... You know you're my one and only." B smiled and lightly nipped at my neck.

I pouted and

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