'V Card ;)'

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( Lonely Hearts Club )

[ Y/n ]

Fuck Valentine's Day with a capital F. I'm just saying, it pisses me off how everyone is soooo extra with everything. It's annoying.

"Please don't make me go to school!" I begged my mom. "Sorry, I can't hear you!" I rolled my eyes and huffed.

"Come on, you've spent all morning complaining. It'll be fine." The car stopped and I opened the door. "See you after school!" I nodded and waved, shutting the door.

She drove off and I started into the school. The air was cool and it was sprinkling. It was going to rain harder later.

"Y/n!" I stopped and turned around. Tyler from chem was running towards me. That's weird, we don't ever talk outside of chemistry.

He stopped in front of me and I looked up at him. "I was going to give this to you during chemistry but that's the last period so uh..."

He took his backpack off and handed me a card. "I really wanted to make a nice one but I'm like a terrible artist so..."

"Tyler it's very nice." I looked up at him, he was smiling. I looked back down at the card, it had a simple heart on the front that made me smile.

"So tell me how you like it in chem!" He started to walk off and I grabbed his arm. He stopped and I opened the card.

Tyler put his hands over his face and turned around. He was looking up at the sky but not really because his hands were over his face.

Dear Y/n,
I really like sitting next to you in chemistry because you're a really cool person. You're also really nice to look at. Not in a creepy way. I've had a crush on you for like two years or something but we never really got to work together until this year so I was super stoked. I don't think you pick up my flirting though... So uh- I am flirting with you. When you said you were upset about not getting a Valentine ever I had to change that. So I stopped bitching and being a sissy and yeah here. I'll be your Valentine if you want. I want to be your Valentine but if you have someone else in mind that's fine. So yeah.

Love, Tyler

I smiled and walked over, wrapping my arms around his waist. He was trembling which I found kind of cute. "Ty, of course, I'll be your Valentine! Why didn't you tell me you liked me earlier?" He looked down and shrugged.

"Hug me back!" Tyler nodded and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled and nuzzled my nose into his hoodie.

"You're a really great guy Tyler..." his heart seemed to slow down after that and he wasn't shaking anymore. "We should go to class..." I mumbled. "Yeah..."

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