The Fall

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(A/N: Warning: Sad.)

"I'm a fake." Sherlock admitted, her voice raspy and wavery.

"Sherlock..." John shook his head.

"The newspapers were right all along." She said. "I want you to tell Lestrade, I want you to tell Mrs. Hudson and Molly- in fact, tell anyone that will listen to you....that I created Moriarty for my own purposes."

"Okay, shut up, Sherlock. Shut up. The first time we met-the first time we met, you knew all about my sister, right?"

"Nobody could be that clever." Sherlock said, shaking her head. John shook his head in disbelief.

"You could." John said and heard Sherlock let out a shaky breath that sounded almost like a laugh and a sob.

"I researched you before we met. Before we met, I discovered everything I could to impress you. It's a trick. It's just a magic trick." Sherlock said unsteadily. All John could do was shake his head in disbelief. Why was Sherlock doing this to herself?

"No, alright, stop it now." John growled but it came out as a sob. He started to move forwards, extending his hand but Sherlock's hand shot out to call him to a halt.

"No! Stay right where you are!" Sherlock shouted into the phone, her voice wavering. Her hand was extended towards John as he watched hopelessly from the bottom of another building. "Don't move."


"Keep your eyes fixed on me. Please. Will you do this for me?" Sherlock practically begged to John.

"Do what?"

"This phone's my note." She says. "That's what people do don't they...Leave a note?" Sherlock let out a weak chuckle.

"Leave a note when?" John asked, the anxiety at the back of his head slowly consuming him.

"Goodbye, John." Sherlock whispered brokenly before tossing the phone to the side. John keeps saying her name, hoping she might hear him. She stands for a moment, then spreads her arms wide by her sides.

Then she jumps, and John's heart stops as he watches Sherlock plummet to the earth in slow motion.


"JOHN! Sweetie, wake up!" John's eyes snapped open and he let out a shaky breath. He felt the cold air hit the beads of sweat on his skin and sat up before looking next to him. Sherlock sat there on the edge of the bed with a worried expression and her hand on John's arm from when she shook him awake. John burried his face in her chest as new tears poured down his face.

"It's alright. I'm here. I'm okay. I'm here." Sherlock whispered soothingly as she held John tightly like every night since she had returned.

"Can you sleep here for tonight?" John asked, sniffing before looking up at Sherlock hopefully. She couldn't say no.

"Alright." She agreed. She crawled into bed next to him and laid down with him, both of them wrapping their arms around each other.

"Goodnight, John." She pressed a kiss to John's forehead as his eyes fluttered closed. He mumbled his response and fell asleep with Sherlock falling asleep soon after.

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