The Sad Truth

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"I'm moving, Sherlock." John spoke up, interrupting Sherlock's rambling about different kinds of tobacco. She immediately stopped and turned towards John, who was sitting in his arm chair with his head down. Her heart stopped when she saw he wasn't lying.

"Moving?" Sherlock's voice asked, high pitched with fear. John nodded. "When?" Sherlock asked monotonously after she took control.

"Tomorrow morning." He said, his voice strained. "I've been deployed."

Sherlock's breathing slowed, her whole world stopping. She fell back into the couch, any trace of happiness leaving her face and being replaced with pain. Her limbs went limp and her eyes watered. John dared himself to look up and what he saw broke his heart.

Endless tears poured down Sherlock's face, her lip quivering and her head slowly leaning down. She then let out a choked sob and covered her face with her hands. "Oh god." She mumbled between quiet sobs an sniffles.

John hurried to Sherlock side and sat down next to her, wrapping his arms around her as he tried to stay strong for her.

"I'm sorry." John whispered, running a hand through Sherlock's short curly hair. "I'm so so sorry."

Sherlock only sobbed into his chest, staining his shirt with her tears.

John and Sherlock spent that night together, one like none before. All they did was lay in bed and sing to one another while wrapped in each other's arms. It might sound strange to others, but to them it was the best experience in the world. But of course, all good things must come to an end.

The next morning, Sherlock woke up alone, with a brown teddy bear in her arms and a note on the night stand which read:

Dearest Sherlock:

I want to let you know that I did not leave by choice. Please forgive me for all I've done. And don't forget me. If convenient.

I love you, Sherlock Holmes. Forever and ever with all my heart. Always.

-John Watson

P.S: If inconvenient, don't forget me anyway. Please.

Sherlock let out a pained scream and curled up on the bed crying, clutching the teddy bear as if it were her life line.

All her friends came to comfort her but nothing could numb the pain. She forced herself to continue but her life was not the same.

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