Nervous Talker

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"Truth or dare?" Molly asked, walking through Disneyland with a very unamused Sherlock.

"Dare." Sherlock replied, absentmindedly biting into her cotton candy.

"I dare you go on that!" Molly exclaimed happily, pointing at the most terrifying ride in Disney in her opinion. Tower of Terror.

If she said no, her reputation would plummet and Molly would never stop teasing her. Sherlock sighed tiredly, giving Molly her cotton candy and walking off after mumbling "Be right back."

Sherlock hesitantly stood in line, nervously looking back at Molly, who was waving at her from the distance. This is the stupidest thing I've ever let myself do. She thought.

They all got piled into the elevator, sitting in the designated seats. She cursed Molly under her breath, tightly gripping onto the armrests of the chair. A man took a seat next to her, seeming as nervous as she was. Little did she know, he was also dared to go on the monstrous ride.

"Hello." The man said politely, his voice shaking slightly. Sherlock noticed he was trying to calm his nerves by talking and complied.

"Hello." She said with equally as much nervousness. "What's your name?"

"I'm John. John Watson. And you are?" John smiled, appreciating the small talk.

"Sherlock Holmes." She reached out and shook John's extended hand and calmed down slightly, the small talk easing her nerves as well. "Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"So what brings you here, Sherlock? I wouldn't believe you if you told me you came here volunteering."

"I was dared by my friend. She wouldn't stop teasing me if I backed out." Sherlock explained, John nodding in agreement.

"I was dared as well." John said. "At least it wasn't a complete waste of time." He smiled, reclining in his chair.

"How come?" Sherlock asked curiously.

"I met you." John said with a smirk, a blush creeping upon both their cheeks.

Sherlock made a mental note to thank Molly later before John and her screamed as loud as they could, subconsciously gripping onto each other's hand.

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