John walked alone down the hallways of one of the greatest schools of music that ever existed, not really having a destination. It was late so there weren't many students left so he could listen to their melodies. He wandered aimlessly, his head dipped down as he watched his feet move with the power of his legs.
At the end of the hallway no one walked through, there was a faint fine symphony coming from the last classroom. John stopped in his tracks, curiously leaning towards the sound before he walked towards the door, pressing his ear against it. His eyes widened as the music being played sped up but kept sounding as perfect as before. It sounded like one of those songs that play when there is suspense in a movie.
Then, abruptly, it stopped. And a very sad and slow melody filled the room, like the ones they play when a loved character dies in a movie. It kept going, turning slower and much quieter.
John kept his ear against the door, his whole body leaning against it as he did so. He wanted to hear more but he also wanted to see who was playing behind the closed door.
Suddenly the door resisting his weight was pulled back, causing him to almost fall face first onto the floor. He regained enough balance to fall on one knee, his hands both on the ground to help him not fall.
John looked down, expecting someone to scold him or insult him. But nothing happened. John looked up slowly, following a trail up as he registered what he saw. His eyes widened with each detail he noticed. Leather boots, black skinny jeans, purple dress shirt, pale neck, blue eyes and dark curly hair. John paused at the woman's face, admiring her unique features.
"Excuse me?" She said, her eyes wide, causing John to snap back to reality and flush red.
"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I was just- I-" John stuttered, the woman standing in front of him watching amusedly as John stood up and fidgeted in place. "I was only listening. I wasn't trying to-" John was cut off by a dismissive wave of her hand, a grin on her face when she saw how flustered he was.
"It's fine. I was just slightly surprised when I saw you actually fall at my feet." She admitted. John smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah, sorry about that." He said. "By the way, you play fantastic! Absolutely wonderful!" It was the woman's turn to flushed red, compliments usually not given to her.
"Thank You." She said, having to clear her throat first to speak intelligibly.
"I forgot to introduce myself. My name is John. Watson. John Watson." He extended a hand for her to shake, which she timidly took and shook.
"I'm Sherlock. Sherlock Holmes."
(A/N: Thanks to happy_andrea for suggesting the idea! *hugs* And Thank you, reader, for reading this! Happy Summer!)

Fluff & Stuff
Fiksi PenggemarOne shots in which Sherlock is a girl and John is a boy. Some other fandoms might be in there as well. Please enjoy your stay and thank you for reading! DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE FANDOMS, ONLY MY OCS. ALSO ALL THE ART USED BELONGS TO TH...