Cheek To Cheek

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(A/N: Just imagine Sherlock as the shortest in the relationship. I couldn't find an accurate picture ^_^' )

Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have been in a relationship for five months now, and neither of them were used to public displays of affection. It just felt so alien to them to show affection in public. For Sherlock, just showing emotions in public was very off-putting.

"John?" Sherlock whispered in John's ear as they walked down the streets of London, feeling the need to walk to their destination rather than take a cab.

"Yes, Sherlock?" John whispered back, smiling at a couple that passed by them and stared curiously.

"Why are people staring at us like our physical appearance has been altered and we look like three headed puppies?" Sherlock asked wearily, seeing another couple walk by with huge smiles and whispering comments into each other's ears.

"Because we're holding hands." John answered with a smile, somehow very at ease.

"So?" Sherlock looked at their intertwined hands, glancing back up with a slight shurg. "Couples do that all the time!" She whispered in protest.

"Apparently, not us. "

"People are absurd." Sherlock mumbled. "They see one unusual thing and they go mad." She sighed, shaking her head. John chuckled, giving Sherlock's hand a short squeeze, which she returned.

They arrived at the crime scene, Lestrade greeting them as they ducked under the police tape. Lestrade's eyes fell upon John and Sherlock's intertwined hands and smiled.

"It's about damn time." He mumbled, Sherlock beaming up at him.

That same day, Sherlock received a call from Molly, said person demanding to meet up with her alone for 'shopping'. Sherlock knew the true meaning, which is actually telling Molly everything about John and her's relationship over a cup of coffee.

To go to the café, John and her took a cab. The cab ride was filled with giggles, funny smooching, hand holding and bumps.

When the cab stopped in front of the café, both of them turned to each other to hug tightly. During the hug, John pulled his head back slightly to place a kiss on Sherlock's cheek, receiving a surprised squeak from her. Sherlock did the same when John placed his cheek back against her cheek, receiving a loud squeak followed by both of them giggling like idiots.

Sherlock opened the cab door, beginning to put her leg on the pavement, only to be stopped by John's hand on her wrist.

"Don't take long?" John practically begged with big eyes and a pout.

Sherlock smiled, leaning down to press a kiss against John's lips. "I'll be there before you can say my full name." She winked and got out, waving at John when she was close to the door, John waving back enthusiastically.

The cabbie chuckled as he turned his view from the rear view mirror to the road, smiling at the adorable couple.

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