Short Grudges

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John sighed, picking up the pieces of the board game and throwing away the now stabbed cardboard base used to play. The couple had decided to play Cluedo but apparently, according to Sherlock, the victim was always the murderer. When John went against it and he won, Sherlock stabbed the board game and retire to the couch, somehow managing to tuck in her knees with her back to John.

After John finished putting everything away quickly, he approached Sherlock calmly and knelt beside her.

"Sherlock?" John called out softly, in case she was sleeping but she response with a very much awake grunt. "It's just a game, Sherlock." John reminded her, receiving a scoff in return.

"Alright. I was wrong. You were right. The victim can be the murderer." John sighed, causing Sherlock to turn slightly to look at him with the corner of her eye.

"Why the sudden change of heart?" Sherlock asked as lowly as John had ever heard her speak.

John pouted, lowering his head. "I didn't want you to give me the cold shoulder."

Sherlock squirmed to turn completely to him and was greeted by a pair of sad grayish green eyes staring back. She bit the inside of her cheek and after a while she sighed.

"I can't stay mad at you no matter how hard I try." She admitted, John nodding along with her in agreement. He then placed a kiss on her nose and smiled, Sherlock's nose twitching at contact.

"I love you, Sherlock." John said. Sherlock grinned widely, her reaction always the same when John repeated that sentence.

"And I love you, John." She said, gripping the front of his sweater and pulling him in for a kiss.

(A/N: I apologize if the chapters are sometimes short. Inspiration isn't coming easily these days due to school. Love you all!)

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