As It Goes

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Sherlock couldn't get the grin off her face as she looked for something to wear. John had asked her to go on a date with him and of course she agreed. She didn't know where, since he said it was a surprise.

Sherlock picked out a simple dark blue dress with a black thin belt along with some black boots over her black and blue striped leggings. She let her curly hair down and placed a dark blue bow at the back of her head, pinning down her hair. She grabbed her blue scarf as she left, just in case there were any low temperatures.

She turned her head and looked at the clock, smiling when she saw it was 6:28. John had said their date began at 6:30. They already lived in the same flat so they wouldn't have to hurry.

John sat on the couch, nervously waiting for his girlfriend to be ready. He wasn't in a hurry, he was  just anxious. But he raised his head when he heard her soft footsteps heading his direction. He stood up and turned to see her, both of them looking at each other over.

John was wearing a white dress shirt that had the sleeves rolled up with black dress pants and the shiniest black shoes and the cleanest black blazer. Under the blazer he was wearing dark blue suspenders and a matching bow tie, something she had said that it made him look more undeniably attractive when he wore it.

His smile grew as Sherlock stepped closer and her face got redder. She looked at John and smiled shyly.

"Are you ready?" John asked, Sherlock grabbing his extended hand and intertwining their fingers.

"Ready as ever." She smiled a toothy grin to John, who returned it with a lob sided grin.

They left the flat and outside Sherlock was surprised to see a cab already waiting patiently. John had planned this all out. He humbly opened the door for Sherlock, closed the door and then went through the other door and got in. Sherlock couldn't help but notice how nervous John was, fidgeting with his sleeves and tapping his knee. The cab instantly started moving without any of them saying anything, and Sherlock deduced that John had already told the cabbie hours ago with anticipation and payed generously enough for the cabbie to stay with them for the whole day.

"So, John. Mind telling me where we are going?"

"You already know. You probably deduced it since this morning." John smiled at Sherlock, who frowned slightly.

"I respected your idea of surprise and decided to try my best to no deduce anything." She admitted and John turned to her with a surprised expression.

"You're joking." John narrowed his eyes as if to detect any lies but blinked when he saw the innocent expression etched into Sherlock's features. "Then please wear this." He gestured to the blindfold in his hands and Sherlock looked at it with distaste and uneasiness. She looked at John, who quickly assured her. "I swear I won't do anything considered bad."

Sherlock sighed and uncertainly let John tie the blindfold around her head.

The cab slowly moved to a halt and John got out before helping a blindfolded Sherlock out of the car. A distinct mix of smells hit Sherlock's nose as she held onto John's arm for guidance. It was American sandwiches, hay, faint scented candles and honey.

The blindfold around Sherlock's head was taken off and she was met by a very well set picnic in the middle of a field with a clear view to the descending sun.

"A picnic?" Sherlock asked with a smile as she turned to John, who was smiling nervously.

"D'you like it?" John asked, fidgeting with his suspenders.

"I love it." Sherlock said, pecking John on the lips before grabbing his hand and pulling him along. "C'mon."

Sherlock and John sat down on the blanket with the basket, John opening the basket and pulling out a pair of sandwiches and a bottle of wine. "Romantic." Sherlock commented with a small smile as John filled up her glass and gave it to her. John only smiled and gave her one of the sandwiches on a fancy plate.

After they ate their sandwiches and drank wine, Sherlock and John talked about their siblings. And how much of a pain they can be.

"You know...there is a reason I brought you here, Sherlock Holmes." John said, still laughing at the story Sherlock had just said about her brother accidentally pushing her off a bed and then shushing her when she cried.

"Hm?" Sherlock said over a glass of wine. She instantly noticed how giddy he was when he stood up and held out his hand for her to take. She set down her glass and took his hand, letting her hoist her up to her feet.

"Since the day I met you, I felt this strange connection towards you. I felt so captivated when you first deduced who I was, and from that moment I knew I had to be with you." John said. He took both her hands in his, smiling down at her. "Every thing you did was just so interesting. And all those little habits you have. Like when you scrunch up your nose when you're angry or when you're about to sneeze." Sherlock giggled, causing John to smile. "And that. That is the most adorable giggle I have ever heard. Your shoulders slightly move up and your hand flies to your chest because you think your heart is gonna jump out." Sherlock giggled again, looking at John through her eyelashes.

"I love every thing you do. Even when you play violin at three in the morning or that you shoot at the wall when you're bored." John smiled as he remembered returning home to see Sherlock shooting at the wall in her pajamas. "I love every single thing there is to you." John said.

Sherlock's eyes watered, observing John with amusement as he struggled to find his words.

"I suppose I should say it now." John said, grabbing a navy blue box from his pocket. "Willow Sherlock Scott Holmes." John got down on one knee. "Will you make me the happiest man in the world..." John opened the box to reveal a beatiful ring with a single diamond in the center. "And marry me?" He aske hopefully.

Sherlock looked at John with wide eyes, her tears watery as she nodded ecstatically. "Yes." She repeated over and over again.

John slipped the ring on her shaky finger and then she pulled John up by his suspenders and kissed him with a fierce, demanding passion. John wrapped his arms around her tightly, running his hands up and down her back while her own hands roamed through his hair.

When they pulled away, both of them were breathless and were both smiling at each other like idiots.

"So, where do you want to go now, future wife?" John asked, still not letting her go.

"The flat, future husband." Sherlock said with a smirk, earning a surprised look from John.

"But right after we solve our first case together as a newly engaged couple." Sherlock said, placing a kiss on John's nose, which twitched when she did.

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