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Miraculously, John had convinced Sherlock to watch a movie with him. He had chosen X-Men: Days Of The Future Past.

Both John and Sherlock sat on either side the couch, Sherlock stretching her legs and placing them on John's lap comfortably. John absentmindedly played with Sherlock's multicolored socks as the movie played, Sherlock wiggling her toes whenever John tickled her foot accidentally. John had noticed that after a while, Sherlock was interested in the movie, her eyes rarely blinking as she watched Magneto escape from the Pentagon Prison. 

"Sherlock?" John called out once the movie had ended. He didn't receive any response at first but then he heard light snores. John turned his head to see Sherlock was already asleep, her head reclined on her hand uncomfortably.

John careful picked up Sherlock and carried her bridal style to the bedroom. He gently placed her on the king sized bed. He proceeded to take off her shoes and unbuttoned her shirt, replacing it with a way more comfortable t-shirt that belonged to him. He took off her pants as well, replacing it with a pair of cotton shorts. John then stripped to his boxers and an old t-shirt, his usual nighttime clothes.

He climbed into bed tiredly, pulling Sherlock closer to him and away from the edge. He wrapped his arms around Sherlock's waist, her back against his chest as she slept soundly.

"I love you, Sher." John whispered in Sherlock's ear as softly as possible.

"Don't call me that, you twat." Sherlock mumbled in her sleep, a faint smile on her lips. "I love you too."

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