36 | Distraction

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I can't wait for my YouTube recommendations to be full of fake news/gossip videos.


3rd POV
"Ok, because we're running out of time for the day, we can only do one more scene. It's Ricky and Nini hearing about Miss Jenn adding a kiss into the production," Tim says. The cast all nod and head to the trailers. Because this scene only involves Frankie, Joshua, Kate, and Olivia, the rest of them are going to stay at the trailers until they're done.

As they're walking, Joshua notices Olivia's mind is somewhere else; she doesn't seem as focused and trips over her feet a few times. "So... whatcha thinking about?" he finally asks.

"What?" Olivia responds.

"Um, well, you kinda just tripped over your own feet, so I'm assuming you're thinking about something else."

"My mind isn't completely here."

"But you were fine while we were filming. Did something happen between then and now?"

"No, it's just while we're filming, I'm thinking about the show. When we're not, there's nothing to distract me."

"What do you need a distraction from?" She looks at him as if he really needs an answer. "Ethan?" he guesses, whispering so the others don't hear.

"Yeah, kinda." That was half the truth; the other half's not important right now. Joshua knows that whatever it is, it's bothering her; she's playing with her fingers again, a key nervous sign.

Since his trailer is one of the first ones, Dara walks a little faster to catch up with Olivia, now that she is alone. "So filming was fun today, right?" she asks first.

"Yeah, I love it when we all get to film altogether."

"Yeah? Anything on your mind?"

They've just made it to Dara's trailer, and Olivia says, "Just... going over lines in my head." That was partially true... not really. "Why?"

"No reason." And she goes into her trailer. She was 100% watching mine and Josh's conversation.

While the rest of the cast are inside their trailers, Kate, Frankie, Joshua, and Olivia change quickly. Well, at least three of them do. Frankie, Kate, and Joshua get out at around the same time, and Joshua tells them to go ahead, and he'll wait for Olivia to be done.

Olivia wants a distraction, and by filming this, her mind is focused. After ten minutes, Joshua knocks on her door. "You ready?"

"Yeah, one sec." She comes out shortly after, and they're on their way back to set.


"Ok, as I said before, this is when Miss Jenn tells them she's adding a kiss into the musical," Tim explains, handing them their backpacks. "Olivia, you're gonna be sitting on this," he says, pointing at a box, "and Ricky's late, so wait in the hallway for your cue," he directs at Joshua. The two nod and get into position.

Before he's out of the view of the camera, Joshua takes another look at Olivia and sees she's still thinking about something else but is trying to focus on the scene.


"Do you follow Zac on Instagram?" Frankie (Carlos) asks as he and Kate (Miss Jenn) are looking at his 'phone'.

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