99 | Big Scene

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If you're wondering how or why Joshua's injury isn't worse, it's because it doesn't quite fit with my timeline for him to be in a sling for weeks (then again, I'm not sure how well my story fits with real-life anyway lol).

Also, I'm kinda using my friends' injuries to judge the outcome of these situations. It's amazing what those idiots can survive through though😅


There was a strange sensation in the air; everyone could feel it. The nine friends were getting ready for another day of filming. They all had this shared feeling, a little scared for the day. They had already done the read-through, which was full of tears and hugs; it was the last table read for the season.

Everyone had been crying as Joshua said his last lines; everyone was crying as they discussed the final episode; everyone was crying as they didn't want the inevitable to happen.

Olivia stood in her bathroom and stared at herself in the mirror. She couldn't believe that so much time had already passed. It feels like just yesterday she had gotten the email from her manager about this new show for a new Disney platform; yesterday, she walked into the small room with Disney executives and the one and only Joshua Bassett sitting at a table who would be deciding her fate with this show; it was only yesterday that her mom had surprised her with the news that she had actually gotten the job.

She opened the top drawer and began her quick morning routine. In the middle of it, Olivia received a text; she put her brush down to see what it said: Hey, can you believe this is our last big scene together?

It was from Joshua. She read it over a few times before it finally hit her: the climax of the season was happening today. Holy fuck. She quickly ran to her bedroom and reread the script, just to make sure what she was thinking was correct.

It was real; it was very real. Olivia had somehow almost forgotten about that scene. She... was... going to... kiss... Joshua Bassett. For real.

Her heart began beating erratically out of her chest; she thought she might explode. Yeah, sure, she's obviously already read the script and knew it was coming, but they kinda just... glossed over it during the read-through. It wasn't like there was any acting to be done while they were sitting across from each other at a table. I can do this. It's all acting and just a simple kiss. Totally possible.

She stared at her phone for a moment before thinking of a response. She sent him It's crazy. This all feels like a huge dream.


Everything was fairly smooth since the accidental fall: surprisingly, Joshua's shoulder wasn't broken nor had any detrimental damage, even after proper examination; it was, however, badly bruised with a large dark spot slowly growing. It was his idea to cover it with a large bandaid and call it a day. (Olivia helped him work on healing it because she very sternly told him a bandaid wasn't enough.)

They had to go back and change some scenes from episode nine, which they weren't expecting to do today; it was mainly the Just for a Moment scenes. Tim didn't feel like there was enough for certain parts of it; he also decided to cut out part of the song in the episode and save it for the official version. Why? No one truly knows. Maybe there just wasn't enough episode time or he couldn't think of enough scenes to have the song play over.

After a few hours of redoing parts and adding new ones, they were on the final scene of episode nine; or at least, the last to film. It was a technicality; Joshua was still a little frightened by the whole flying in the air thing, so Tim was going to have more test runs with mannequins and weights to ensure Joshua's safety. They would have to come back to this scene at a different time.

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