71 | Divulge

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Stunned. That was the only word that came to mind. Madison sat there with her jaw on the floor. "Hello? Madi? Did I lose you?" Olivia asked, checking her WiFi connection.

"Uh... yes!!" she finally answered. "I'm completely lost! What happened to the 'we're just friends' and 'that will never happen'?!"

"Well... I don't know. I just noticed, ok?!"

"When did this happen? Why haven't you told me? Never in your texts did you say this." Olivia texted Madison probably more often than her own parents about what was happening with the show and everything else.

"Well, this was recent, so I haven't quite had time to."

"Tell me exactly what happened."

"Ok, so I think this started the other night-"

"Pfft, more like months ago," Madison mumbled.

"I heard that." Her friend just shrugged. "Anyway, he brought me up to our building's roof, and we just... sat. It was peaceful, and he brought up a few blankets because it's like Antarctica out there."

"Yeah yeah, blah blah; get to the good stuff," Madison interrupted.

"Hold your horses. We were sitting there, and I was obviously cold-"

"You mentioned that already."

"I'd get through this faster if you'd stop talking!" Olivia hissed.

"I'm impatient. I've been waiting for this for like... 50 or 60 chapters, ok?"

"Whatever. Anyhow, he... put his arm around me because of the cold..." She had a goofy grin on her face and was clearly daydreaming.

"Hey, don't go off dreaming about him yet."

"Hmm? Right. Uh, so all that happened. Then he started saying how I doubt myself too much with... things."



"Be specific." Madison had a feeling that whatever Olivia was about to say had something to do with her new realization. All the details so far haven't been interesting enough.

"Um... well, there was really only one that was new." Her face slowly turned red.

"Ooh, and you clearly were embarrassed by this."

"Oh, hush."

"It's true though! I can tell."

Olivia playfully rolled her eyes. "He started... complimenting me, and I just... I don't know. I know that I felt like just exploding."

"Ok, that word is normally associated with either rage or happiness."

"Happiness," she confirmed. "Definitely."

"So it took compliments for you to realize this? If I had known that, I could've pushed this train along a while ago."

"Well... so there's this other thing."

"Do tell."

"We, um... we almost... kinda... kissed."

Madison clicked her tongue, and her jaw dropped. "What?!!" she squealed. Olivia had to quickly turn her volume down.

"Yeah, and-"

"There's more!?!"

"Let me finish a sentence!" Madison nodded at her to continue. "Yes. We didn't actually kiss, but it was close."

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