13 | Just Rest

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I want to post my one-shot book SO bad, but all I have are unfinished stories!!


I laid on my bed, bored out of my mind. I tried writing some music, but I couldn't think of anything. Every time I moved, my side stung like crazy. After twenty minutes of turning back and forth, I finally manage to fall asleep.

We were talking and laughing about how the rest of the week is gonna go up until filming. I can't believe it's day 3 and so much has happened. After we finished eating, we started heading back to the apartment. Tim told us not to be out long since we still don't know who was with us on that hike.

"You know, maybe we should have our girls' night tonight?" Dara suggested.

"Yes! I'm joining whether you like it or not," Frankie demands.

"Sure, why not," Sofia laughs.

"Whose room?" I ask.

"We can do mine since it's farthest away from Tim's. We don't need our boss yelling at us for possibly being too loud," Frankie says. We all nod in agreement.

We make it back to the apartments, and I go over to give Josh his food. I expected him to be asleep, but when I opened the door he wasn't in bed. He was in the kitchen.

"Hey, what are you doing up?" I ask him.

"I was just getting another ice pack," he says.

"Ok, here's your food. We realized none of us knew what you wanted, so we got you a California roll."

"Cool, how much do I owe?" he asks slowly walking back to bed.

"You owe us nothing. All we can ask from you is that you get better."

"Tell everyone I said thanks. I don't know what I'd do without all of you." I smile as he starts eating.

"You'd be at the hands of your sisters without us," I say.

"Yeah... I'd rather be right where I am," he chuckles.

"Ok, I'm gonna go over to Frankie's. We're having a girls' day to unwind."

"At Frankie's?" he questions with a mouth full of food.

"Yeah, he declared he'd join us whether we wanted him to or not."

"Ok, see you later then."

"Bye Joshy." I go back into my room to grab a few things then head to Frankie's. I walk in and see he already has Netflix pulled up.

"Hey, what are we watching?" I ask him.

"I was hoping for You but Frankie doesn't want to rule anything out just yet," Sofia says, coming in with a bowl of popcorn.

"Yes, I started it a while ago but never finished," I say.

"Thank you, another person who agrees with us," Julia says, coming around the corner. At that moment, Dara walks in.

"Hey everyone, what are we- what is that!?" she asks.

We all go around the corner and see Zac Efron. "Frankie, what is this?" Sofia asks, getting closer to the dark figure.

"My life-size cardboard cutout of Zac Efron," he says like it's nothing.

"When were you gonna tell us you had this?" Julia asks.

"I also have one of Ashley Tisdale," he says nonchalantly.

"Ok, moving on. What are we watching?" Dara asks.

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