Olivia Rodrigo is only 15 and can't believe the opportunity she's been given. She has booked the role of Nini in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series!
What will happen when she and her costar have some sort of connection from the audition ro...
With all the drama going on, here's something to make you feel better: it's Joshua Bassett with a fetus voice.
Olivia Good news: I don't feel like I'm dying. Bad news: still have a slight headache.
I guess that's an improvement.
We're finally finishing up the filming of the pilot. It's been like what, about three days since we started? Feels longer.
Oh... I just realized more stuff.
Good: My birthday's in three days! Bad: Ethan's leaving today. I just wish he could've stayed for a few more days.
I start getting ready, and I'm out in 25 minutes. I get down to the lobby and scroll through my phone while waiting for everyone else.
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"Hey, you ready?" I look up, and Josh is staring down at me.
"I asked if you're ready? We're singing today." With all that's happened in the last few days, I completely forgot about that. I'm singing Start of Something New... live.
"Yeah, totally," I say, trying (and failing) to hide my nervousness.
He puts down his guitar that I somehow failed to notice and looks directly into my eyes. "Hey, remember what I said before you sang I Think I Kinda, You Know?" I nod, his words from before coming to mind. "Well, it's true. You have incredible talent and no reason to be scared, nervous, or whatever else it is you're feeling."
"You have a way with words, you know that? Maybe that's why your songs are all amazing," I tell him. He chuckles, and more people join us in the lobby.
"You ready, Liv?" Sofia asks me with a big smile on her face. They didn't film anything yesterday as Josh and I were sick (obviously), so that meant she also had to film her solo.
"Yeah, not internally freaking out at all."
"My singing is better than my dancing," Matt says, making us laugh.
After a few more minutes of waiting, we're off. I was riding with Josh, Joe, and Julia while everyone else was with Matt. The whole ride there I was nervous about the singing. I remember Tim saying it was gonna be a dream sequence where Nini imagines herself on stage with a spotlight. Yeah, totally not nerve-wracking at all.
I continue in my spiral of nervous thoughts until Joe snaps me out of it. "Oh, happy slightly early birthday, Liv." I'm taken back by what he said at first, only because I don't remember telling them.