37 | Confused

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You can check out the introduction now!!

If someone has any title suggestions for it, that would be greatly appreciated😁. I want to do something involving Joshua and Olivia's debut songs, but I'm not sure what that would be.


3rd POV
Olivia doesn't know why she's so nervous; she just is. But it needs to come out at some point. "Hey, can we talk for a second?"

Joshua sets the papers he was holding down and says, "Of course. What's on your mind?"

"Well, you remember when I got that phone call yesterday during the cast movie marathon thing?" He notices she starts fiddling with her fingers.


"Well, it was my mom. She had texted a few minutes earlier saying she wanted to talk to me. It turns out Ethan had sent them some apology letter, and she was wondering what he was referring to. So I came clean to her... about everything."

His eyes go wide. "Like everything, everything?"

"Yeah, I didn't know what else to do. And then I started thinking about how I should tell the cast and Madison since she called me while I was at Sofia's just now, and I froze because she asked how Ethan's visit went, and I know they're all super skeptical because I didn't couldn't give them an explanation and kinda just walked out..." She starts breathing heavier, and Joshua motions for her to sit on the couch.

"Shh, everything's gonna be ok. Just take a second to breathe, yeah?" He runs into the kitchen to get her a glass of water before sitting next to her. He starts rubbing her back in an attempt to make things calmer, and it kinda works.

"God," she mutters to herself.

"If you're too scared to tell them, don't. Tell them if you want to, not because you feel the need to." He doesn't care about the fact that she told her family; that was kinda necessary. He's just wondering what's been going through her head and relieved to know what's been stressing her for the past day. "Remember the deal we made? No fake smiles. You can always talk to me. About anything," he whispers.

"Yeah. I- I know. I hope you understand that too," she says. He scoots closer to her, letting her know he's there for her.

"If you don't mind me asking, do you know what the letter said?"

"Uh, yeah. She sent me a picture of it." Olivia gets her phone, opens the conversation, and hands him her phone.

Mr. and Mrs. Rodrigo,

You're probably really confused right now. Don't worry, you're not the only ones. I've put your daughter and her cast through a hell they didn't deserve. The reason I'm sending a letter is that I wanted you to know that this is coming from the bottom of my heart, and it's not some text or email I typed up at the last minute.

Olivia, if you're reading this, I take full responsibility for my part in what happened in Utah. Please know that I do care about you. I know sorry's not good enough, but I am. I'm moving to Hawaii soon, so you won't have to worry about me ever bothering you again. I haven't told anyone about our situation except your parents, obviously. Madison, DeVore, they don't know. I wasn't sure if you were ok with me saying, so I didn't.

The person I was on the phone with when you overheard us, that was AJ. Well, that's what he claimed his name was. I've never met him in person, so I can't warn you who to watch out for but know that he's still out there. I don't know why he hates Joshua so much, but please be careful.

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