29 | The Truth

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Can we talk about these for a second?

How do they sound better than the studio versions?

Also, the cursing live in Olivia's made the performance 10x better.


I can't believe it. I'm livid, furious, and everything else in between. I can't even fathom the fact that I trusted someone so much, and they turned out to be such a dick.

3rd POV
The same thoughts continued to run through Olivia's head as she scanned the halls of East High. Wait, we're filming in the auditorium.

She starts running in that direction and almost falls turning the first corner. No, she didn't trip. Just collided with someone else.

"Woah, you ok?" She looks up and realizes Joshua's the one who caught her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Tim?" she asks in a hurried breath.

He notices she's panting for some reason and looks worried. "The auditorium. I came back out to get you. Are you sure you're fine? You seem a little... preoccupied."

Joshua had finished filming the scene where Ricky's late because he was watching High School Musical on a computer. Let's just say after sprinting down the halls, I discovered I'm out of shape.

She steps back away from him and says, "Yeah, I'm good. I just need to find him."


Olivia's head spins around, and she can feel her blood boiling. Joshua notices that she tenses up but doesn't know why.

"I told you to leave, and I meant it. You can still go now, and no one else has to get involved," she tells him sternly.

Joshua's face shows confusion, which masks his shock. Why would she want him to leave?

Ethan takes a step forward, and she motions for her and Joshua to take a step back. "Just know that I am sorry for all that I've done. But please know that I didn't tell them to do the things they did. I'm not the one who actually did the acts."

"Bullshit!!! I don't care if you did the deed yourself or not. You knew about all of it!! You knew about the hell that was about to be unleashed, and you did nothing!! What part of I don't give two flying fucks about your explanation do you not understand!!?!" she screams, not caring who could possibly hear her.

Joshua and Ethan's eyes went wide; Joshua's more than Ethan's but still. Joshua looks down and notices Olivia's face matched the same shade of red as the word East on her hoodie.

Joshua has seen couples fight before. Having five sisters meant you tend to (accidentally) hear everything.

He also happens to know that Olivia doesn't curse often, so whatever happened between them must've been huge.

"I'm... gonna go get Tim," he says, backing out of this conversation. Olivia looks at Ethan with a look saying do not even try to stop him. Thankfully, he doesn't.

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