We finally arrive at the apartments, and Liv doesn't let my arm go the entire time. "You know you can let go now, right?" I ask her. I didn't mind it, I just was wondering why she continued."Uh uh, not until we get you inside," she says. I smile at her and she returns it.
"New rules everyone!" Tim calls out. "I'm sorry, but we're on lockdown until filming starts. And Josh, if you don't have to leave, please don't," Tim begged me. I nodded in response. "And, no one tells social media about this. The last thing we need is this hiking event to be leaked. Josh, I'll tell your family directly. Call me if you need anything." We all give Tim a thumbs up then head to our rooms.
Once we get there, Liv doesn't go to open her door.
"You know your room is over there, right?" I ask, pointing to her door.
"I know but I figured I could just go in through your room. I'm really scared for you." I'll give her this, she's kinda cute with a worried face. WARNING: This compliment does not mean anything. I'm serious.
"Ok, that's fine," I tell her. We walk into my room and just fall onto the couch.
"Are you sure you're ok?" she asks me.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna grab an ice pack and Tylenol. I'll probably change into a t-shirt; it feels really hot in here," I tell her. Thank god Tim already stocked our rooms with stuff. I open the freezer, grab an ice pack, then dig through my suitcase to find Advil, Tylenol, or anything that will stop my head from pounding. "Here it is," I say to myself. I take one then walk over to the couch where Liv is.
"You're right; it is really hot in here," she says while taking off her jacket.
"Be honest, how bad is it?" I ask her, turning my head around so she can see the back.
"Uh... what you need to hear or want to hear?" I chuckle at her question.
"It's really bad. Your hair is an even darker brown with the blood, but the bump isn't noticeable unless you're really looking for it."
"I guess that's kind of good," I say in a questioning tone. I put the ice on the back of the couch and put my head on it. It stings almost immediately.
"I'm gonna get you a washcloth," Liv says.
"What for?"
"The trail of blood on your face," she says with her head in the hall closet. I almost forgot about my face somehow.
I get up to go look in the mirror and gasp. "Woah... I look horrible." I had a line of dried blood going down my face and could see the start of a black eye forming.
"You'd look better if you'd let yourself sit and rest." I turn around and see Liv with a bowl of water and soap with a washcloth in it.
"Thanks for being here, you know you don't have to," I tell her. She is the most caring person I've ever met.
"I want to be. I was really scared when Matt said you went missing."
"Come here." I go in to hug her and slightly wince.
"You ok?" she asks with worry in her eyes.
"I thought so." I turn back to the mirror and lift up my shirt. There was a bruise forming the size of my palm.
"Oh my god," I hear Liv whisper. She was starting to cry.
"Hey, you don't have to worry about me. I'm going to see a doctor tomorrow. Everything will be fine," I try to calm her down.

Just for a Moment
FanfictionOlivia Rodrigo is only 15 and can't believe the opportunity she's been given. She has booked the role of Nini in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series! What will happen when she and her costar have some sort of connection from the audition ro...