58 | Secret

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Sometime last week I posted a More Nonsense chapter dealing with my theory on a possible season three (titled HSMTMTS Season 3). Check it out if you haven't seen it.


It took some time, but Matt was eventually back to normal. Well, for the most part. His breath was even as he chugged glasses of water, and Larry and Sofia stayed by his side.

"What happened?" Sofia finally asked after some time.

"I... I don't know," Matt answers, thinking about it. "I took a shower then, uh... I was thinking about the crash, and I guess it just... happened."

"I didn't know you had panic attacks," Larry says.

"I don't," Matt says quickly. "I, uh... I don't have... I don't have panic attacks," he says more to himself.

"Matt," Sofia says softly, "then what would you call that?"

He looks at her, and he's just lost. "I, um... I guess I did," he admits quietly.

"How long were you on the floor before we found you?" Larry asked.

"I don't know," he shrugs. He remembered stepping out of the shower and looking in the mirror, then he's suddenly on the floor with a tight chest and pessimistic thoughts.

"What happened that led up to that though?" Sofia wondered.

"Um, I was thinking about the crash again," he repeats, almost ashamed to still be dwelling on something that happened all those weeks ago. "I don't know why," he chuckles dryly.

"Hey, don't be embarrassed. That was very, uh..." Sofia was trying to find something comforting to say, but it wasn't working. "It was a terrifying day for all of us. It's not your fault if it comes back up again."

"I don't know what to do with myself anymore," he said, throwing his hands in the air. "I tried putting more work into the show, which only led to more stress; I had phone calls with my family, but it wasn't enough of a distraction."

"Maybe we should do something as a group again," Larry suggests. "Movie nights can never get old, right?"

"Yeah," Sofia agrees. "I'm sure everyone else won't mind. We'll throw in Spicy Uno too."

Matt considered it for a moment. He was scared of it happening again with everyone else around, but maybe this could be good for him. "Ok, let's do it," he said, a small smile.

"Great!" Larry exclaimed.

"Just one thing," he said. Sofia and Larry turned to him and wait. "Don't tell anyone about this," he pleaded.

"What? Why?" Sofia asked.

"Because I don't want them to be so concerned." I guess this is what Josh meant. The two disagree but will still respect his request.


Everyone's in Matt's apartment once again, ready to do whatever. Large, family-sized soda bottles were on the coffee table along with various junk foods.

"Spicy Uno!" Joshua shouted, busting in and scaring everyone.

"Why did we jump when we knew that was gonna happen?" Dara mumbled.

"Ok, I have a new addition," Joshua said excitedly. "Well, a couple. The first one is jumping in and the second is another number rule." They circled around the center of the living room while Joshua divided up the cards. "So, if you have a card that is the exact same face and color as whatever was just placed, you can 'jump in' even if it's not your turn. And what about when someone places a four, then no one can talk until another one is added?"

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