12 | Everything's Fine

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I love reading kat_hsmtmtsxglee's comments😂


"JOSH!!!" I bolted upright and was panting heavily. I look at my surroundings and see I'm still in my room. "It was just a nightmare," I whisper to myself. I lay back down and try to go back to sleep, but every time I close my eyes that image of Josh just reappears in my mind.

"Hey Liv, you ok in there?" I immediately jump out of bed, turn on a lamp, and run to open the connecting door. I get to the door and see him standing in front of me, perfectly fine (minus the injuries that actually happened). I engulf him in a tight hug and start crying.

"Oh thank god you're ok." I was sobbing into his shirt.

"Shh, yeah, I'm here," he says quietly. He was rubbing circles in my back to try to calm me down. We started shuffling to my bed because I refused to let him go. My sobbing was slowing down, but there were still plenty of tears going down my face. He starts to pull away, but I wouldn't let him. Not with that dream image still fresh in my mind.

"I'm not going anywhere," Josh says. He pulls away slowly but still holds my hand to let me know he's there. I look him up and down to try and clear the awful dream scene from my head. "I came over here when I heard you scream. Are you ok?" I just nod my head, not able to form words.

"Uh... yeah, I'm fine," I choke out.

"Can you tell me why you're crying?" I nod then start to figure out how to speak.

"It- it was just a nightmare. I um... we were back on another hike an- and you were missing again. But this time M- Matt didn't get to you in time. You- you had blood all over you and h- had been..." I couldn't finish.

"Hey, look at me." He puts his hand under my chin to lift my head. "I'm sitting right in front of you with no more damage than what's already been done. It was all a dream, ok? Nothing has happened since we came back to the apartments. Everything is fine, I'm fine." I look at him again, and all I see is his black eye and the spot where he was bleeding on his head from before. There's nothing else. No more blood, no bullet.

"Ok, it was just too real," I say while wiping my face.

"I get that. Are you gonna be ok?"

"Yeah, I think so. When's your doctor's appointment?"

"Tomorrow at like 5, I think."

"Ok, thanks for coming." I pull him into another tight hug.

"Anytime," he says and starts to pull away.

"Not yet," I tell him.

He chuckles. "Ok, I won't let go."

We stay like that for a little while longer, and that's how we fall asleep.


"What the hell happened in here?!!" someone shrieks. I slowly open my eyes and see Liv's eyes also start to flutter open. We both look to see all our friends staring at us. I look down at us, and we still had our arms wrapped around each other from last night.

"How'd you guys get in?" Liv asks them, rubbing her eyes.

"Never mind that, why is Josh here?" Sofia asks.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We were gonna invite Liv to go eat and let you sleep, but it looks like you guys had other plans," Frankie says, looking over his glasses. Liv and I were both sitting up now. I still had an arm around her, but she didn't seem to mind.

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