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The good ol' days (above).


Joshua and Olivia looked at each other nervously. They weren't sure what this was going to be about, but they were scared either way.

"You guys can go on back to the apartments," Olivia tells them.

"Are you sure?" Sofia asked.

"Mhm." The six of them began walking to the front of the school.

Tim led them down a hallway away from everything else. As they're walking, they kept wondering what this was about. They both had an idea but didn't want to jump to any conclusions or get their hopes up.

"So... I have just heard some news about your song." Tim sounded anxious, which did not help the situation. Both of their hearts dropped as they waited for him to continue. He seemed to pause for dramatic effect. "You guys..." His face broke into a smile "...have your song chosen..."

He couldn't get another word in before Olivia turned around and squealed, going to hug Joshua. He wrapped his arms around her waist and picked her up off the ground as Tim's voice faded into the background.

"And it's called Just for a Moment," Tim continued. "It's gonna be a giant hit."

"Holy shit," Olivia mumbled into his shoulder. Joshua didn't have any words as he held her.

After they hugged each other, they went and did the same to Tim. "Oh my god, when did you find out?" Joshua asked once he found his voice again.

"A few days ago, I got an email that you guys were in the top three. Then I heard this morning that it was chosen."

"I don't believe this," Olivia murmured. "A song that we wrote is gonna be in the show! Us!"

"I know!" There was no wiping the smiles off either of their faces. "I don't know what to do with myself," Joshua said, running his hand through his hair. "Thank you so much for this opportunity, Tim."

"You two have worked so hard; you definitely deserve it," he said. "Now, it's going to be in episode nine, which is not that far away in our filming schedule. But before that, when do you want to perform it for everyone else?"

"Um, we can just do it tomorrow," Olivia said without thinking. Now that it was official, she felt like she was on cloud nine.

"Well," Joshua began, "we probably should practice it ourselves first. You know, since we haven't played it in a while."

"Oh yeah, of course. That's probably a good idea."

"Just tell me when, and we'll carve out time for it," Tim said. "Well, see you tomorrow morning then." Joshua and Olivia hugged him one more time before the three went their separate ways.

When the two made it outside at the front of the school, Joshua and Olivia turned to each other and just froze. "Holy... fucking... shit... did that actually happen?" Joshua asked, sticking his thumb in the direction of the school.

Olivia nodded. "Mhm. I don't... I just don't know what to say."

"We have to celebrate," Joshua said instantly. "What should we do?"

The first thing that came to Olivia's mind was the roof. They could go up there for a few hours and just sit; she finds it oddly relaxing, even with the cold Salt Lake winter. But instead of saying that, she shrugged. "I don't know."

"Ok... we'll celebrate once one of us thinks of something. I don't know what that is yet, but there's enough time."

His eyes dropped down from her face, and he noticed what she was wearing. Olivia blushed, smiled, and took a step back. "What do you think?"

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