Part 1

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Celeste pov

I checked my watch. I was standing at my locker, looking at the school entrance. It was around 8:22AM which meant he'd walk in any second now.

Surely enough a second later he walked in, the smile on his face making the butterflies in my stomach flutter. And he wasn't even smiling at me.

It honestly should be illegal to look this good in the morning. But I guess for Mattia Polibio it was pretty normal. He was surrounded by his friends like he normally was, and under his right arm he was holding his girlfriend, Jasmine, protectively.

They were both our high schools 'it' couple. And I'm not surprised, they're both stunning and perfect for each other. He was the captain of the boys football team and she was head cheerleader. So you could say they were basically made for each other.

They both walked passed and I watched them subtly. I started to take my books out of my locker, and I started to think about how sad I was waiting for him here every morning, just to get a glimpse of him.

I've had a crush on him since 7th grade and my shy self didn't have it in me to make conversation with him at all. I wasn't one of those dreamers that hoped we'd some how magically end up together. I knew it'd never happen. He's been with Jasmine since the start of higschool, they're kind of on and off but they always get back with each other. Everyone knew they were going to be that 'higschool sweethearts' couple, and I was ok with that.

I knew Mattia and I were never going to happen. I didn't think that he'd be better off with me or think I was the better choice. I actually admired his relationship with Jasmine and I loved them both together. He made her happy and seeing him happy, made me happy.

Still, it didn't stop the crush I had on him. I think I had it too bad for it to just stop now. I was just waiting until I got to college and I was finally away from him, which would make it easier to forget him.

The warning bell rang so I closed my locker and rushed to class, making sure I wouldn't be late.


School had finished. I rushed out and hopped into my car, driving to my younger siblings elementary school to pick them up.

I have 3 siblings, one was in his last year of middle school, his name was Max. The other two were twins  in 3rd grade, Ava and Leo.

I picked them both up and headed home. I asked about their day and if anything interesting happened like I always do. They almost always had an interesting story to tell, but I'd laugh and pretend I enjoyed it even if they didn't.

I opened the door to my house a little relieved to find it empty. Looks like ma wasn't home which was a good thing.

" ok you two, get changed," I told them and they ran upstairs to do so. I made them both a little snack and then I helped them both out with their homework. I rather they did their work now so they could play and do whatever later on.

I heard the front door open and I assumed it was max, by the sound of his footsteps. I saw him walk up the stairs, " hey," I said to him.

He smiled, " hey,"

" how was school?" I asked him.

He shrugged and carried on walking upstairs, " good,"

" you want anything to eat?" I asked him.

" nah I'm alright." He answered back and I nodded. He'd normally go to his room and do his work. I was glad I didn't have to check up on him constantly to see if he had done it. Max was never a handful, he already knew I had a lot to do so he never made anything difficult for me.

It wasn't long before I had to head off to work. I work 3 days a week, and those particular days are always a hassle but I manage to take care of everything.

I got the twins ready and max came down after a while, when he had finished his work. I took them to our neighbours house.

She was a little old lady called mrs Winchester. She lived alone and loved having the kids over, they pitied that she was always by herself so they were always nice to her whenever they were at her house.

As soon as I had dropped them off, I drove to work.


I drove back home when I had finished my work shift. I always picked the the kids up from mrs winchesters before dinner, so she wouldn't have to make them anything. I didn't want to overwork her.

I started to prep dinner which was a whole other problem because I couldn't think of what to make every other day. Ava and Leo would always throw suggestions at me, and after a while I'd start cooking.

Ma doesn't really make dinner anymore. She's never at home to make dinner or do anything else for that matter. I didn't mind though, something almost always went wrong when she's here.

Ava and Leo were playing together and as usual max was in his room. I called them all down for dinner, and made them sit around the dining table.

After they had finished eating, max helped me clean up whilst the twins went off to play again.

It was almost 9 and I thought it was best to put the twins in bed. They don't always go willingly, but once they see that I'm getting a little irritated they stop messing around.

Once I made sure they're both in bed, I go to my own room.

I started to contemplate whetherI should do some work or go to sleep myself. I started to think if I had any work I needed to hand in tomorrow, and I remembered there was.

I went to shower quickly and then I sat at my desk, getting all my work out. I almost forgot I had a test next week too, but I thought I'd start revising for that tomorrow instead of today.

I heard the front door open after a while, obviously knowing who it was. I checked the time and sighed quietly.


Where the hell was she for the whole day?

I shook that thought out of my head. I didn't want waste any more time thinking about what she's been up to.

I decided I'd work until 12am, and sleep then.


Heyyy y'all. So the first chapters always a little dryish, but whatever. How are y'all doing anyway?

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