Part 6

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Celeste pov

I hated the weekend. I always have to think of something to preoccupy the kids with because they didn't have school. They'd get bored of watching tv and I couldn't play with them for the whole day because I had my own school work to sort out.

" Leo I can't right now," I told him. Mattia was going to show up soon, as today was Sunday. I texted Mattia, asking if we could change the time to 4pm till 7pm on this day and he said he didn't mind, " I've got to get some work done,"

" but you promised Ava and I," he said folding his arms. Ava came walking into my room and folded her arms too. I could tell they were trying to be intimidating but it wasn't working at all.

I scratched the back of my head trying to remember if I did, or if they're just making it up, " really I don't-"

" hey I got an idea," max said walking into my room, " why don't we bake something?" He asked the two of them, " you guys wanna help me bake some cookies?"

Both of their eyes lit up and they ran up to him, jumping in front of him.

He smiled at them both, " alright, let's go," he said to them and they both ran downstairs.

I sighed in relief and max looked back at me, " thanks," I said to him.

He smiled, " don't worry about it,"

" make sure you clean up all the mess you guys make," I said to him as he was leaving my room.

" don't worry we will," he yelled back loudly.

" and don't burn anything this time!" Remembering the other few times when he had.

" I can't promise anything!" He answered back and I shook my head, smiling a little.

I heard someone knocking on the door and I assumed it was Mattia so I went downstairs.

Max had opened the door, and him and the twins were all staring at mattia.

Mattia smiled and waved down at all of them and he then looked at me, when he saw me coming down the stairs, " hey,"

" hi," I responded. Leo and Ava looked as if they were stuck in place. They were both looking at him in slight shock and awe for some reason.

" wow, you're really tall," Ava blurted out and Leo nodded agreeing with her.

Mattia scratched the back of his head, " err..." he laughed a little and smiled at her," thanks?"

I looked over at max, signalling for him to make his way to the kitchen, " let's go guys," max said to the twins and they both snapped out of their daze and ran to the kitchen.

Mattia walked in, " sorry about that," I said.

" it's nothing," he said waving me off, " I get little kids staring at me like that all the time," we headed upstairs to my room, " they're both really cute by the way,"

I didn't know what I was supposed to say to that. I couldn't thank him cause it's not like he was calling me cute, and it's not like they were cute because of me. So I just smiled in response.

He sat in the seat and I asked if he wanted a drink, to which he said no. I thought it was best to get started so we did, and I hoped time would pass quicker than the first time he was here.

I was explaining to him how to answer a particular math question, which he was finding difficult to do before.

" Is that it?" He asked, looking a little amazed, " but that's so easy," he said, once I showed him how to do it.

I smiled, " most of math is, you just have to know what you're doing," I answered, shrugging a little. I gave him a few questions so he'd get adjusted to the method I taught him.

I was writing down something, and I noticed him focus a little intensely on my handwriting.

" what's wrong?" I asked looking at it, " is it something you don't understand?" I asked him. I didn't mind explaining it to him.

He shook his head, " no it's just-" he shook his head, " nothing,"

I thought that was a little funny but I carried on with explaining the work.

We both worked in silence and after a while we both heard a knock on the door. Before I could even go and answer it, Leo and Ava both burst into the room.

They ran up to Mattia and I, Ava was holding a plate of cookies in her hands and she was showing me.

" Celeste look, look at them. Look how big they are!" she said to me, sounding really excited. I laughed a little, " and-and max didn't burn anything this time,"

Speaking of max, I wondered where he was. He was supposed to be watching these two right now.

As I was thinking of him, max came running into my room, looking somewhat panicked, " sorry," he said to me, " they just ran off,"

" don't worry about it," he's not use to taking care of them alone. They both might be small but they're a real handful. I stood up, " how about you guys eat these downstairs, yeah?" I asked them both, and they nodded.

They both started to leave the room, Leo turned around to see Mattia, " would you like one?" He asked him.

Mattia smiled, " no thanks I'm-"

" just one," Leo said interrupting him. Ava held the plate closer to him.

His smile widened and he picked a cookie off it, " thank you,"

They both grinned at him and they went back downstairs. I closed my door behind them.

I turned back to Mattia who was eating his cookie, " sorry about that, they get excited quite often," I told him.

He smiled and shook his head, " it's fine, really,"

I sat back down and we carried on doing our work. Though I couldn't help notice him still staring quite intently at my work.

It was a little unusual but I didn't question it.


I think my book  'I'll be there' will always be my favourite. Idk like I still think about that book randomly sometimes, I'm so attached to the characters and everything. I wanna make a third book for that series one day.

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