Part 10

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Celeste pov

" he's here today too?" Max whispered to me, " does he really need that much help?"

I smacked the back of his head and he tutted a little and started to rub it, " that's rude, I didn't teach you to judge other people's academic abilities," I said to him.

I had just come back from work and I started to get dinner ready. Dinner on the days I have work is normally a little later than usual, which isn't a problem. Except Mattia comes around that time now. He was supposed to be waiting in my room for me, but Ava and Leo had dragged him to the living room to play with him.

I told them both that he had work to do but he said he didn't mind playing with them whilst I was in here. I was trying to get dinner made as quickly as I could because I felt like he was just trying to be nice, and felt as if he couldn't say no to the twins.

Max said he'd sit with Ava and Leo and wash up after too, whilst I was upstairs.

" I'm not judging him, I just...I just don't really trust him," max said folding his arm, " I don't know, I get bad vibes from him,"

My brows furrowed slightly, " why?"

" he's a jock," he said waving his arms, " they're all a little messed up!" He whisper yelled since Mattia was next door. I smacked the back of his head again and he hissed in pain, " dammit Celeste, stop doing that," he said rubbing his head again.

" not all jocks are bad max, he's not even spoken to you so I don't know what your problem is. Unless he's said or done something to you?" I turned to look at him, hoping Mattia wasn't the type to pick on middle schoolers cause that'd upset me a little.

Max shook his head, " no, no. He's not said anything to me," he said jumping up onto the counter.

I smiled a little to myself.

" then what's the issue?" I asked whilst taste testing what I had made.

He shook his head, " nothing." He folded his arms and he looked at the floor.

I got the feeling he wasn't telling me something and that bothered me, because I wanted max to come to me if he had any issues.

I heard a knock on the door, and we both turned to see Ava and Leo, Mattia following after them.

" Celeste I'm starving!" Ava said over exaggeratedly, and I rolled my eyes at her and smiled a little.

" I'm done," I told her, turning the gas off. I couldn't eat right now since Mattia was here and I didn't want to waste anymore time. I looked over at him, " let's go," I said to him.

He nodded, and I noticed max eyeing Mattia for some reason. I elbowed him subtlety and shook my head at him.

I walked out of the kitchen and Mattia followed behind me. We got to my room and we both started to set out our work.

I told him what we were doing today. I showed him the method and I did a few questions with him, so he'd understand it better.

I then gave him some questions to work on, on his own.

" Your brother," mattia said after a while and I looked at him, " he doesn't like me much does he?" He asked.

I looked back down at my own work, " what gave you that idea?" I asked him. I mean he wasn't wrong.

" I heard him," he said and I nodded slowly. I pursed my lips since it made this all really awkward for me right now.

" yeah, sorry about him." I said, "he's not normally like that,"

He wasn't. I never allowed max to be so judgemental, but I guess something about Mattia bothered him.

" was it something I did?" He asked.

I shook my head, " I've not heard a good excuse from him," I said to him and he nodded slowly. I put my homework to the side and sat up a little, " you don't need to worry about it. Why'd you care if some random middle schooler you barely know doesn't like you?"

No offence to max, but whether he liked Mattia or not, it's not as if it'd affect Mattia in any way.

He shrugged, " I don't know. I guess it just annoys me when I know someone doesn't like me. I just wanna leave a good impression on everyone,"

I nodded understandably and picked up my homework again, " well you can't please everyone. There's always gonna be someone in the world that doesn't like you, and that's ok."

" yeah you're right," he said whilst spinning his pen in his hand, " I just feel like I have to show them I'm not a bad person or anything, you know? Like what I have I done for them to not like me?"

" you didn't do anything. Some people are just going to dislike you for no valid reason, like max for example," I said, and he smiled a little, " you shouldn't care about what they have to say." I finished shrugging a little.

I wouldn't say I have thick skin, but I've developed some sort of understanding that you're going to have people who dislike you regardless of what type of person you are.

He laughed a little and nodded then looked down at his paper, " what?" I asked, wondering what was so amusing.

He looked up at me and the sudden strong eye  contact totally got me off guard. He was smiling a little now, and that was throwing me off even more.

I groaned internally.

Every time I think I can control myself around him, he does some shit like this and feel like my heart is about to melt.

" nothing. You're just an interesting talker," he said, " everything you say sounds well thought out, and always has some sort of good reasoning behind it." He then looked down at his paper again, " you seem like a really good person to talk to,"

I was left speechless again, and I didn't know what to say now. So I asked what I always did when I felt awkward or a little lost.

I stood up, " water?" I asked fiddling with my fingers.

Yes, that was my safety net. Don't Judge me.

He looked up at me and his smile widened. He leaned back a little on his chair, and rested his arms  on the back of his head, " sure,"

I nodded and scurried out of the room.


Was having a mid life crisis today and my aunt was telling me I'm too young to have that. But I told her you never really know when your life will end so any day could be a mid life crisis.😐😐yeahhhh I probably shouldn't have said that.

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