Part 3

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Celeste pov

I had finished helping Ava and Leo with their school work, and they started to play with each other.

" Celeste can you play with us today?" Ava asked me.

" yeah I will," I told her and both twins got excited, " I'll be back in a minute, I just need to talk to max," I finished cutting a few fruits for him.

I heard keys rattle at the front door, and I figured mom decided to come home earlier than usual.

" err....why don't we play upstairs today?" I asked them and they both nodded. They both ran upstairs and I followed after them. The door opened just as I had reached the stairs.

I turned around to see my mother standing at the door. She didn't acknowledge me, and just walked into the living room.

I went upstairs to Max's room, taking the bowl of fruits I cut for him. I stood in the door frame and saw he was sitting at his desk, doing some work.

I put the fruits down at his desk, " thanks," he said smiling at me.

" you're welcome," I sat down on his bed and he turned around on his chair facing me.

" you want something?" He asked.

I shook my hands, " no, I'm just here to tell you I'm gonna start tutoring this guy,"

" you think you have time for that?" Max asked me.

I sighed and laid back on his head, " I'll make time," I said waving my hand around, " that's not the problem though."

He nodded, " well what is?"

" is it ok if the days he's here you can keep an eye on the twins?" I asked him, " and just keep an eye out for mom, when she decides to come home? I'll still put them in bed at 9, I figured the only time I can tutor this boy is after I feed you guys dinner,"

I'd feed them around 7, and then probably work until 10pm. I thought it sounded reasonable.

He nodded, " yeah I'll watch them,"

I stood up and patted his back a little, " thanks," I started to walk out of his room.

" who is it anyway?" He asked, " do I know him?"

" do you remember Mattia?" I asked him. He didn't know about my crush on him, but because we live in the same area I'm pretty sure max knows who he is, " Mattia Polibio?"

" oh yeah," max nodded. At that moment we heard mom yelling at someone, and she banged her hand on something.

Max and I looked at each other before we both quickly ran out of his room, to see what had got her mad this time.

She was hitting the bathroom door, telling whoever was inside to hurry up. A few seconds later, Leo opened the door. He looked up at her nervously and she glared at him.

I quickly got in the middle of mom and him, and pulled him out of her way. She gave him another annoyed look, before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door behind her.

" are you alright?" I asked Leo. I put my hands on his  small shoulders and I knelt down to his level. He felt a little tense and I'm not surprised, he always was around mom.

She hated Leo the most, I didn't know why until I realised he resembles dad the most.

He nodded, " yeah I'm fine," he smiled, though still looked a little scared.

I ruffled his hair," alright let's go and play," I told him. His mood changed instantly and he ran to his room, pulling my arm.

Max and I shared a look, which meant that it was best if we all stayed in our rooms. It looked liked we'd all be eating dinner in my room again.


I totally forgot that I had homework due in today. So I was finishing it off at break, not really paying any attention to my surroundings. I had my earphones in, so I was focused on my work and I planned on finishing it before break ended.

I could feel someone walk up to me but I was too absorbed by my work to look up at who it was. It was probably some idiot asking me to do another paper for then or something. I carried on writing and took one of my earphones out.

" sorry I won't do your homework for you, or complete a paper for you. I don't care about how much money you offer, and there's no other ways of persuading me,"

I was about to put my earphones back in, when the person in front of me laughed.

I paused and groaned internally.

I know that laugh.

Fuck I really keep embarrassing myself in front of him.

I looked up at him and he was still laughing a little. I held in my smile but it was hard to. He looked so cute when he was laughing.

He sat down opposite me and I paused my music, " sorry about that I-"

" no it's fine," he said waving me off, " I just wanted to talk to you about my tutoring,"

I nodded and let him speak.

" so are we still good for today?" He asked me and I nodded, " what time?"

" is 7pm to 10pm ok?" I asked him.

He thought about it and nodded, " yeah that works," he ran his hands through his hair, " sorry I don't remember where you live, what's your address again?"

The fact he even knew where I lived in the first place shocked me.

I gave him my address and he nodded and stood up, walking back to his table, " I'll see you then," he said before he left.

I nodded and I tried acting as I was feeling fine right now. But I couldn't, I was literally freaking out inside. I have got to get use to interacting with him otherwise tutoring him is gonna be hard as hell.

I felt the need to write in my book so I rummaged in my bag for it. I tutted when I couldn't find it, and I assumed I forgot it at home or something.

I put my earphone back in and attempted to carry on with my work.

But I couldn't. I really couldn't.

I tutted at myself, " dammit Celeste," I mumbled to myself, " keep your shit together,"

I shook my head a little and carried on with my work, trying to forget what happened seconds ago.


Sorry for the late update

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