Part 12

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Mattia pov

" so how's the tutoring going?" Ale asked.

" yeah, are you bored out of your mind yet?" Kai asked.

I rolled my eyes at him, " no I'm not bored out of my mind, and the tutoring is going fine," I didn't want to talk about it much in front of them for some reason.

It was going really well for me and I didn't want them to ruin it, or start assuming shit. They both still thought Celeste was really shy and quiet so they thought it was going to be hard for me to talk to her.

It's been awkward since I found out about that diary, but like I said before she really doesn't give off the impression that she likes me at all.

She gets flustered a lot, I'll admit. But she talks and makes conversations fine. She talks a lot when I'm with her and I love it. I love that she's comfortable like that around me. I also loved listening to her talk.

" is Jasmine ok with you being tutored by a girl?" Kai asked me.

My brows furrowed slightly and I looked up at him, " why wouldn't she be?" I asked him.

" well most girls aren't ," he answered shrugging, " has she even asked about it?"

I shook my head, " no not really," I answered, " I still rarely see her. I told her about it but she...she seemed a little to distracted with something else at the time to care,"

I think both boys noticed my mood change slightly. And they knew I still have my doubts.

" so that's still on your mind?" Kai asked, " Mattia I told you-"

" yeah, yeah I know," I said waving him off, " but would it kill her to give me a little attention, you know? I see you guys more than her, I talk to and text you guys more than her. It shouldn't be like that when you're dating someone," I told him.

Ale sighed, " he's right kai," and I'm glad someone finally understood.

Kai nodded, " yeah I know he is," he started to think of something.

" it's not that things aren't going well," I said sitting up, " it's just, there's nothing happening at all between us."

" so what're are you gonna do?" Ale asked.

I shrugged because I didn't know. I didn't have the heart to break up with her, because I felt like I still loved her.

" I got an idea," Kai said, " I'm gonna plan something for the two of you. Like a date or some shit, cause god knows you need it,"

" but Kai she-"

" wait I'm not done," he said interrupting me, " I'll tell her friends about it so they can help me out. They'll like the idea and also find a day where she isn't as busy,"

" you can't tell her friends I'm having doubts about us," I said seriously. They'd literally eat me alive.

" yeah I won't," he tutted, " I'll just pretend to plan a surprise for y'all so you can see that things between you guys aren't changing at all, and you're just overthinking everything," he looked over at ale, " you can help too,"

Perfectly imperfect |Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now