Part 28

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Celeste pov

School was the last thing on my mind right now. So I really didn't want to go. Plus I wanted to avoid Mattia as much as I could.

I didn't wanna see him at all right now.

I came back from picking up Ava and Leo from school, they were sitting in the back of my car talking to each other.

" I'm going to drop you guys off to mrs winchesters a little earlier today," I told them. " you'll be there a little longer than usual,"

My manager asked if I could do a few extra hours, so I agreed. I knew it wouldn't hurt to make a few extra dollars.

They both groaned, " can't Mattia watch us?" Ava asked.

" no," I answered immediately, " he's busy,"

" so does that mean he's not coming over today then?" Leo asked.

I shook my head, " no. He won't be coming round to the house at all anymore," I answered.

I parked the car and all three of us walked out of it, " why?" Ava said, sounding a little upset.

It was stupid of me to even let him near my siblings. They grew attached to him too, and were probably going to miss having him around.

" He's finished his tutoring with me," I lied, " so he won't be coming around anymore," I opened up the front door and we started to take our shoes off.

" but I thought he was your friend now?" Leo asked, " Or is he not anymore?"

I smiled at him sadly and I felt this weird urge to cry, " err..." I looked up at the ceiling and blinked rapidly, " you two wash up, and I'll get you guys a snack ok?"

I said changing the subject. They both nodded and went upstairs to change and wash up.

I went to the kitchen and threw the cold tap water on my face. The coldness felt relieving and cooled me down a little. I heard the front door open and I guess Max was home.

It was going to be harder to hide how upset I was from him. He still doesn't know about what happened between Mattia and I.

He came into the kitchen, " hey," he said smiling at me.

" hey," I said, and I started to cut some fruit, " you want anything to eat?" I asked him.

He shook his head, " not right now," he answered.

I nodded and the twins came back down, I gave them the fruit and made them quickly do their homework they got from school.

I dropped the three of them off to Mrs winchesters and headed off to work.

I had finished making dinner. We all ate and I tried acting as normal as possible, so non of them would catch on to how bad I felt.

Now the twins were in their room playing, and Max was doing whatever he does in his own.

My phone was still blowing up so I had muted the notifications, though hearing it vibrate every now and then still upset me.

How do people still have the time to message me shit?

I knew going back to school was gonna be hell. I could already imagine how people were going to act but I felt like I could handle them.

Honestly that wasn't my biggest issue right now.

It was that I wasn't my siblings legal guardian. I didn't know what to do in this type of situation, and I didn't want to ask anyone becasue I was afraid they'd think I was incapable of taking care of my siblings.

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