Part 9

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Celeste pov

We finished reading Romeo and Juliet, the play today in English class.

" we'll be discussing whether Romeo and Juliet was a romance novel or a tragedy. Out of curiosity from a show of hands, who thinks it's a romance?" Our English teacher asked.

A few people around the class put their hands up, as well as Mattia next to me.

" and who thinks it's a tragedy?" She asked. I put my hand up as well as a few other people. She nodded, and sat down in her chair, " I would like you all to discuss your views with your desk partner."

I internally groaned when she said that. She made us do so much partner work, and I felt she was doing it to torture me personally.

Everyone started to talk and Mattia turned to look at me, " why'd you think it's a tragedy?" He asked, generally intrigued.

" William Shakespeare said it himself," I said, " plus I don't think there's anything romantic about two teens killing themselves," I answered.

Honestly there were so many things wrong with Romeo and Juliet, and I didn't even know where to start.

" but I think there is." And I listened to his explanation on why he thought that, " They both had so much love for each other, they couldn't bare to live without the other. They understood from such a young age that living a life without the one you love isn't a life worth living,"

I nodded understanding his reasoning, " but they were only 14 or something. They had so much to live for. And I don't think they loved each other, they were both just extremely horny," I said to him seriously, and he laughed a little, " the only reason they killed themselves, was because the audience at the time of the play enjoyed violence as well as death. They were obsessed with it, and William Shakespeare gave what the crowd wanted. There death wasn't supposed to be romantic,"

He nodded taking in what I said, " so you don't find anything about it romantic?" He asked me.

I thought about the rest of the play, " I'd say the only thing romantic was how they both didn't let anything stop them from being together. Whether they loved each other or if it was just sex they wanted, the loyalty they had for one another was nice," I turned to face him, " but it was ridiculous how he fell in love with her at first sight,"

" what do you mean?" He asked, " you don't think that could happen?" He asked.

" not really. It depends on the situation I guess. But he literally just saw her and fell in love with her. He barely knew her and that just makes it all sound  stupid," I told him.

He laughed again, " well maybe he was blinded by her beauty," he said shrugging a little, whilst smiling, " of course that'd mean he only fell for her looks,"

I nodded agreeing with him, " exactly. He didn't care about anything else, he just wanted someone stereotypically pretty."

I was getting pretty into this rant about how Romeo and Juliet wasn't even all that. I turned after a while to see Mattia smiling at me and I stopped talking abruptly.

" what?" I asked.

" this is probably the first time you've talked more than I have," he said.

" oh," I said and I looked down at the desk, " sorry," I thought he meant that I wasn't giving him the chance to speak. I guess I got a little carried away.

" no, no," he said waving his hand, " its a good thing,"

Now how was I supposed to respond to that?

What was I supposed to say?!

I mentally tutted at myself.

This is why I don't talk.

The bell rang and I sighed quietly in relief. I'm glad that was over.

I started to pack my things and I walked out of the class heading for lunch.

I got this weird feeling as I was walking down the corridor. Like someone was staring at me? I don't know it felt like that. It made me feel a little conscious and I didn't want to turn around, so I carried on walking to the dining hall.


" he's got a math test," mr wood told me. Mattia was standing next to me, and I'm glad I could stand next to him without thinking about it too much and freaking out, " it's pretty far away but he has to do well in this one otherwise it's gonna lower his average,"

I nodded, understanding what he was saying.

" I suggest trying anything you aren't already," Mr wood said, and he turned to Mattia, " maybe you should try some independent study as well. But you've been telling me Celeste has been a very good tutor, so maybe try and work more hours with her?" He said looking between the two of us.

I looked down at the table, feeling a little flustered that he thought I was good tutor.

" I'll leave it up to you guys to figure out what's best." He said to us and we both nodded at him, and left his classroom to go home.

" so what'd you want to do?" I asked him, " would you prefer me tutoring you more or would you rather me give you time to independently study?"

He thought about it, " well if you're not busy-"

" don't worry," I said to him, " I can make time," I wasn't sure about that yet, but I'll figure out a way too.

He smiled appreciatively and my heart started beating crazily, " then I'd prefer working with you," he said shrugging a little, " everything makes more sense when you explain it,"

I nodded at him, " I could tutor you on the days I work too," I said thinking about it. I was gonna be so fucking tired but I wanted to help him as much as I could, " the same time as usual. I might be a little late sometimes though,"

" that's fine, I don't mind waiting, at all," he said.

I nodded and we walked further into the car park, " cool, I'll see you later today then," I told him.

He put his hands in his pockets and nodded, " yeah, see you then,"

I smiled a little and got into my car, avoiding eye contact with him. Though I could see from the corner of my eyes he was still looking at me.

He walked away after a while and I sighed in relief again. I started my car and went to go pick up Ava and Leo.

God really had to give me the dumbest sister in the whole fucking world like-😭😭🤦🏽‍♀️if I could tell y'all about her, y'all would agree with me. She's lucky she's still hot, cause brain wise that bitch has nothing up there🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙄

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