Part 8

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Celeste pov

He's been spacing out this whole week. Even at school.

It was Friday today, and sure it was non of my business, but I felt like something else other than math was on his mind.

" mattia?" I questioned, and he woke up from his daze again, " are you ok?"

He looked up at me and nodded, " yeah....I just...I," he shook his head a little and rubbed his eyes.

" maybe we should have a little break?" I asked him, and he nodded, " you want something to eat, or drink?" I asked him.

He nodded, " could I have some water?"

I nodded and went downstairs to get him some, I got some water for myself too. I started to wonder what what was distracting him so much and I thought of that as I was walking up the stairs.

Before I went back into my room, max came out of his, " Celeste can I talk to you?" He asked.

I nodded, and turned to face him, " yeah,"

" I know you're busy now, but I forgot to tell you that I need new cleats," he said whilst scratching the back of his head.

" what?" My brows furrowed slightly, " didn't I just buy you new ones like 3 months ago?" I asked him.

" yeah but they don't fit anymore," he said shrugging, " my feet must've grown,"

" max your feet can't grow that fast," I said to him, putting my free hand on my hip.

" they can," we heard Mattia say. He poked his head out of my room and then leaned on the door frame, " my mom always had to buy me a pair like every 2 months, when I was in middle school,"

" see," max said pointing at him and I rolled my eyes at him. I didn't believe him for some reason, I felt as if he was keeping something from me.

I didn't want to question him since Mattia was here so I shrugged it off, " I'll try and sort something out," I told him.

He smiled, " thanks," he said before walking back into his room, where the twins were.

Mattia and I went back into my room, I gave him a water bottle and he thanked me.

" I didn't know your brother liked soccer ," mattia said, " what team does he support?"

I shrugged, " I actually don't know," I answered honestly.

Mattia laughed a little and sat back more comfortably, " well is he any good?" He asked.

I nodded, " I wouldn't really know, but I see him play sometimes so I'd say he's good,"

" did he just start playing recently or?"

I smiled a little remembering how obsessed max has always been with soccer, " no, max has always had a thing for soccer. He use to play it a lot with my...."

I palmed my face mentally for almost bringing up my dad. Not that it was a bid deal, I just didn't like talking about him much. I looked up at mattia for a brief second, then back at my clock.

" err...let's carry on," I said to him and he nodded.


Mattia pov

I still can't believe it's her.

She hides it quite well. I never would've guessed she had a crush on me.

She's quiet sure, but I wouldn't call her shy. When she speaks, she speaks quite confidently in my opinion. She always seemed to sure of what she was saying, and she never really seemed that nervous around me.

Never would I have thought someone like her would ever like someone like me. It just didn't make sense to me for some reason.

I didn't get to finish her diary since she had taken it back on Monday, so I was a little gutted. But I managed to finish cleaning the lost and found room quicker than usual so I was finally able to go back to soccer practise.

We had finished for today and I started to pack up my things. I don't think I got much work done because every few seconds I'd start to remember what she wrote in her diary about me.

We both walked downstairs, and as we were the front door opened.

An older woman walked in and she paused at the front door, looking at Celeste and then looking at me. I thought maybe this was Celeste's mother.

" why is he here?" She asked Celeste.

" I'm tutoring him," Celeste answered back. I stood back, a little awkwardly sensing some sort of confliction between the two.

She stood there silently just staring at Celeste and then she walked further into the house, either into the kitchen or living room. I wasn't sure since I've not been anywhere downstairs.

Celeste carried on walking downstairs and she opened the front door for me.

" bye," I said to her, " I'll see you on Sunday,"

She smiled and nodded, " see you then," I started to walk off and she closed the door behind me.

I walked to my car and drove home. The whole ride was silent, and I didn't even have it in me to put some music on since I was so lost in thought.

I went to my room to change my clothes, and I then went to the kitchen to eat. Still thinking about Celeste.

I just couldn't get her out of my mind now.

From what I can tell Celeste takes more care of her siblings than her parents do. I've not seen her dad yet at all, so I'm assuming he doesn't stay with them anymore.

Her mom seems a I don't know. The interaction I witnessed between the two made me think they weren't at all close. From the time I've been tutored by Celeste, I can tell shes rarely home. She probably spends her whole day working or something.

Celeste is really close with her siblings. I can tell that much. The younger two, Leo and Ava, admire her a lot. Her brother max as well, he seems quiet like her in nature. I see him around sometimes walking by himself, he looks sad for some reason most of the time but that changes when he's at home. I guess like Celeste he really loves the bond he has with his siblings too.

I don't know why any of this was even relevant to me. I don't know why I was thinking about any of this. I've just suddenly become interested in her life for some reason, and I can't help but want to know more about her, because she barely lets anything on.

I went to my room and laid down on my bed, feeling a little tired.

After a while I fell asleep.


I just got the most emotional message on my pm's about one of my books and I really don't know how to react. Like I cry when characters die too but the ending wasn't too harsh, it was sad yes but it was a good ending. If you can't handle sad endings try and avoid books like that. Don't try to convince me and 'threaten' me, to change my ending just cause you can't fucking take it. Like grow tf up

Perfectly imperfect |Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now