Part 14

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Mattia pov

I was sitting with all the boys at Alvaro's house.I wasn't really paying attention to the conversation.

I was thinking that right about now max has probably got his cleats that I left at his doorstep. The thought of how happy he'd be and how relieved Celeste would be, made me happy.

I noticed she was purposely avoiding all the expensive ones and I figured how much money she must've had on her. I felt that despite how hard she worked, money was still an issue for her.

I also felt bad for Max, because he probably still hasn't told her what happened to his cleats in the first place.

I know it really wasn't my place but I could afford them. So I just bought them without giving it a second thought. I told ale and kai I got them for Gian, and when they walked off to alvaro's I dropped the cleats off to celeste's.

I got a text and I smiled a little seeing it was from Celeste.

I got a text and I smiled a little seeing it was from Celeste

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I decided to tease her a little.

I decided to tease her a little

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Perfectly imperfect |Mattia Polibio|Where stories live. Discover now