Part 2

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Celeste pov

I was sitting at lunch alone, like I normally do. I glanced over at the table Mattia sits on, with the other popular kids.

Jasmine was sitting in his lap and she had one of her arms around his neck. They were all laughing at something, and I smiled seeing him laugh. He had a really cute laugh, he always has.

Jasmine looked at him and gave him a small peck on the cheek which made his smile widen. I sighed quietly and though I was happy for them, I couldn't help but long for what they had. I wondered what it'd be like sitting in his lap, I wondered what it'd feel like being able to kiss him and have his arms around me.

I snapped out of my trance and shook my head a little.

Since I didn't have anyone to share these thoughts with, and I think that was for the best anyway, I would write all of them in my diary.

It was a plain black book and it was the only thing that was keeping me sane at the moment. It let me express my feelings and not let me keep them in my head for too long.

I liked how easily I could express myself on paper rather than real life conversations. Half the things I write in here I wouldn't be able to say in real life. Well actually any them, I wouldn't be able to say any of these things in real life.

The bell rang for the end of lunch and I went to my last class for today which was math.


I was basically a loner in my school. I wasn't proud of it, and though it might sound weird, I just never really had time or the social ability to make friends.

Most people in my school only knew my name because of how smart I was. I'm pretty sure you all have that one kid in your class that's like super smart, and always gets praised by the teacher. In my grade that was me.

I'd always get asked by people to do their work and some would offer money. I'd even get texts where some boys would offer something else, just so I could finish an important paper for them.

I never did a single one though. I'd help people with their work but never do it for them. I might be a nerd but I'm not a pushover.

The bell rang for the end of the day and I got up from my seat, from the back of the room.

" Celeste, could I talk to you for a minute?" Mr Wood, my math teacher said.

I nodded, and the class had emptied by the time I had approached him. I would say Mr wood was by far my favourite teacher. He wasn't liked much due to him being a math teacher, but I thought he had a really good personality and he was an overall nice person.

I was comfortable around him, and was able to have normal conversations with him without being awkward.

" yes?" I asked, waiting for him to tell me what he wanted. I obviously thought it's be something math related.

" well I already know how well you're doing academically in school, but I realised you're lacking in something, for college,"

I furrowed my brows a little. I thought it was a funny thing to talk about. I felt like this was leading to something else," and that is?"

" you've not really done any extra curricular activities," he said stroking his chin, " colleges look for things like that,"

I was even more confused because this wasn't relevant to maths at all. I didn't know where he was going with this extra curricular activity thing.

I looked at him questionably and folded my arms, " mr wood, what are you trying to say here?" I was in a rush as well, I had to go pick up Ava and Leo and I didn't want to be late, " not all colleges look at that sort of stuff anyway, it's not like they're gonna turn me away because of it,"

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