Little brother

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Wilbur's Pov

I remember it clear as day, Dad and Mom announced that Mom was pregnant, we were gonna have a little sibling.

Dad looked over at us. "I want you two to protect them and love them like I love you two." More like love Techno, you barely even talk to me, and Techno isn't even your son he's your 'protage'.

Everything felt so empty, I didn't know what to feel when we got that news. Happy? Disappointed? Upset? Should I give my condolences to the baby since I know for a fact it won't get Dad's attention?

"Wil?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at my father. "You excited Wil?"

I looked at my Mothers face, joy, Techno's face was unreadable, and Dad just smiled. "...Yeah!" I faked a happy attitude and grinned.

Dad just smirked/smiled and looked at my mother. "You should rest, me and Techno will leave tomorrow instead." he helped my mother upstairs to her room.

I looked over at Techno. "What do you want shortie?" He grunted and left to his room.

I sighed, 'we didn't have dinner again' I shook my head and went to the kitchen to make myself some food.

A couple months rolled by, Dad only came home twice a month and spent all that time with mom.

We found out the baby's gender, a boy, what a surprise. Mom wanted a girl but was happy either way and Dad... just wore his usual smile.

"Mom, when's Dad and Techno coming home?" I dried my hands as I looked over at my very pregnant mother.

"I don't know Wilby." She sighed as she put the dried dishes away.

"Okay." I hopped off the small bench next to the sink as I heard a small groan come from my mother.

"Wilby, can you get mama some pain killers from the bathroom?" Mom groaned again and held her belly. "Quickly?"

"Mhm." I scurried off as I kept hearing grunts of pain. "Mom are you okay? Should I send a bird to Dad?" I grabbed the pills as I heard glass crashing onto the ground and a loud thud. "Mom!" I drop the bottle and run back to Mom.

"I think the baby's coming." She groaned loudly as she held the counter tightly. "Wilbur! Get Puffy, get someone!" she yelled out in pain, my eyes looked at the blood forming below her. "Go Wil!" I nodded and ran out the house.

"HELP! SOMEONE! HELP PLEASE!" I yelled as I ran down the road. "PLEASE MY MOTHER! HELP!" My throat burned as I kept yelling and running.

"PLEASE!" I fell to my knees as my lungs burned for air.

"Kid, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I looked up and saw Puffy.

"Mom! Blood." I wheezed out.

Puffy looked confused until her eyes widened. "Shit, DREAM, FOOLISH! WATCH WILBUR AND TUBBO! I'll be back, I promise." she ran off towards my house.

I looked over to see two boys walk over to me, one who was shark and Totem and the other in a green hoodie with a mask.

"Come on let's go inside." Foolish smiled at me as he held his hand out for me.

I held his hand and walked with him into his house, trying to distract myself from my bleeding mother.

"How about we play some video games?" Foolish did all the talking, Dream was just quiet and watched.

"Sure." I spoke silently as he led me to his room.

I don't know what else happened, it all was blur, I just remembered going home and seeing my very sick mom holding a baby.

"Hey WIlby." Her voice was hoarse and held pain. "Come say hi to Theseus, I wanted Tommy but your father and Techno chose Theseus." she laughed to hide her sadness.

I let go of Puffy's hand, not seeing her look at me in pity, and walk over to my baby brother. "Hi Toms." I smiled and rubbed his cheek with my finger, I couldn't help but smile widely.

I felt mom's hand cup my cheek, I looked at her tear filled eyes. "Promise me you'll protect Tommy, Wilbur." I nodded and held her hand. "Mommy has to go, Tell your Dad I love him." she kissed my head and put Tommy in my arms. "Goodbye, Wilby." I felt her hand drop and her breathing go slack. Mom is gone.

"Mom? Mommy please wake up." I shook her as Tommy started to squirm around. "Mom!" I felt tears run down my face as I got no response.

"Wilbur she's gone, I'm sorry." Puffy kneeled down and hugged me as Tommy started crying loudly.

"Gone..." Mom's dead and Dad is nowhere to be seen.

I felt so numb, everything around me was dark and sounded like static as I looked at my mother's dead body. Why her? Why couldn't Dad... Why couldn't Tech... why...

I didn't even realize Puffy had taken Tommy from my arms or dragged me to her house. It all felt so surreal, like a dream, an Illusion... How I wish it was an illusion.

"Wilbur," I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Puffy. "Take care of your brother, I have to bird your father." She put a calmed Tommy in my arms and left, she reeked of blood and death.

I looked down at Tommy, I didn't know what to feel about this baby. Anger for taking away my precious mother? Relief because my brother is safe? Happiness because I won't be alone?

'Promise me you'll protect Tommy, Wilbur.'

I cracked a small smile and rubbed his cheek. All I know is I have to keep Tommy safe, for Momza, for me.

For the past day's I blocked everything that related to my mother's death from my head. I mostly stayed in a room with Tommy and only came out to eat, wash, and help if I needed it. The Puffy household would always look at me in pity when I did come out. I hated it.

I bounced Tommy as I paced around the room, trying to get him to go to sleep. "Wilbur, your father's here!" I swallowed thickly and left the room while holding Tommy tightly.

I walked out and saw My father and Techno look at me, no more like looked at Tommy. "Hi, dad." I mumbled.

"Wil..." He kneeled down and carefully took Tommy out of my arms. "And Theseus." He smiled down at Tommy and rubbed his cheek.

"Mom liked Tommy." I quickly covered my mouth.

"Mom... is gone." Dad looked sad as his eyes kept trained on Tommy. "His name Is Theseus."

I just nodded, not wanting to get into an argument with Dad.

"We'll be on our way, Thank you for taking care of my boys Puffy." Dad thanked puffy and we left her house.

"Philza, what are you going to do now that your wife is gone and now you have a newborn child?" Techno spoke up.

He's right too, Mom would take care of me when Dad and Techno left, we can't stay with Puffy because she also goes out adventuring and has three boys of her own.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there... for now let us enjoy some peace and give my wife a final goodbye." Dad held Tommy close as we walked into the now cleaned and empty house.

(Hope you enjoyed the first Chapter- again please be patient with me with updates :3- also this was inspired by lovablecinn on instagram,  their comic is really good! so it their art! check' em out)

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