Orange is the color of a sunset

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Wilbur's pov

I groaned and walked into the house, quickly making my way to the bathroom. 'Maybe I should stop working in the blazing sun...' I grabbed some pain pills and immediately swallowed them. My head was burning hot so I decided to dunk my head in freezing cold water.

"Wil?" Sally sounded worried as she walked into the bathroom.

I pulled my head up. "Hey sorry to wake you, I'm just feeling a little hot."

I was surprised at how long we've been in the smp, three months to be exact.

"Are you sure?" She sounded worried.

"Yeah I was just working in the sun for too long, don't worry about me my love." I gave her hand a small kiss.

Sally smiled. "Okay, I'm gonna go check on Tommy and Tubbo." She walked out the bathroom and left back outside.

I sighed and looked at the mirror. "Why do I feel shitty! I can't eat certain foods, I'm always drained, and I feel emotional as FUCK!" I let out a loud groan as I leaned my head onto the mirror. "Gods give me the strength." I took a deep breath and left the bathroom, feeling a little more cooler than before.

I pushed my sweat/water soaked hair back as I walked outside again.

"Wilbuh, wilbuh!" I looked over at Tommy and saw him sitting on Harley. "Harley can make milk! Did you know that?" I tried my best to not laugh at him and yell 'no shit Tommy you dumb idiot baby you.'

"Wow, that's interesting." I pet Harley's head. "We will now be drinking milk for the rest of our lives."

"Noooo I'm lack-toes." Tubbo groaned as he walked over to me.

"No Tubbo, you're dyslexic." I ruffled his hair. "Where did Sally go you two?"

"She's in the room we stay at!" Tommy commented.

"Alright, you two don't do anything dumb, I'll be right back." I walked away and tried to ignore Tommys conversation with Tubbo about bombs again.

"Those two are gonna give me gray hairs and gray feathers." I shook my head and walked into the very tiny makeshift home that me, Tubbo, Tommy, and Sally used.

"Sal?" I smiled as I looked at her. "Woah, new outfit?" I hugged her waist as I looked at what she wore. A white blouse, brown slacks with thigh high boots, and a small off the hip belt that carried some potions.

"You like? Dream made them for me!" She kissed my head lightly.

"It's lovely." I kissed her head back.

"Are you feeling better?" She turned around and put her hand on my forehead.

"Yeah, much better." I grabbed her hand and put it down but kept her fingers intertwined with mine. "How do you feel about a date night?"

Sally chuckled. "I'd love one my dear."

"Great, I'm gonna go ask Dream to take care of the boys for the night." I gave her a sweet small kiss. "Get ready baby because this will be the best second date of your life."

"What's the first?" Sally laughed.

I felt my face flush. "Uh, when we first met." I mumbled.

Sally blushed as well and hid her face in my neck. "We could also redo it since before it was out of the blue but now we're together."

"YES!" Prime, curse my horny teenage brain. "I mean, ahem, sure yeah whatever." I shrugged.

Sally giggled and lightly kissed my neck. "Go find Dream and I'll get ready for our date."

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