Damnit Tommy

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(Small note: no update next week, school, acting, and work are being a pain in the butt :<)

Wilbur's pov
"Will I see you again?" I pulled my pants back on which were somehow dry.

The beautiful girl giggled as she blew me a kiss. "I can go with you now."

"Oh uhm I don't think I have a tub of water uhh." I laughed slightly as I pulled on my shoes.

She smiled with a small laugh. "Sally. Do you have a bucket?"

I searched through my inventory and pulled out an empty bucket. "Yup, but how's this gonna help? It's small and you're, no offense, big."

Sally giggled. "I'll show you, first fill it with water."

I kneeled down and filled it. "Okay, what now?'

Sally put her hand in the water and shrunk?!

"Huh?" I looked at the bucket and saw a small salmon. "Ooh shape shifter. Alright, let's go Sally." I carefully placed her in my inventory and made my way back to the hotel. "Hopefully Tubbo and Tommy are still asleep." I grabbed my guitar and backpack and tied it around my back.

'How should I introduce Sally?' I hummed in thought as I heard the soft grass under my feet. 'Hey Tommy, Tubbo. This is Sally, a nice girl I met and had- yeah no I can't say that...' I walked onto the path as I entered the village. 'Hey Tom's, Tub's this is my fish that I fell in love with... yeah that'll make more sense.'

"Ahhh!" I snapped out my thoughts and felt my stomach drop.

"Nah, that's not Tommy, nope-" "TOMMY YOU DUMMIE!" "He's asleep and that's definitely not Tubbo-" "TUBBO I'M SORRY!" "Nope, just random kids that I don't know-" "WILBUR HELP!"

'Damnit Tom's!' I looked over and saw them riding... a cow? Running from the iron golem.

"Wilbuh!" Tommy saw me, the cow now running towards me. "Help us! Please!" He was crying.

I ran over to the iron golem. "Hey! Golem stop!" I put my shield up. "Don't hurt these children." I felt like I was floating in space as my only thought was to protect the two.

The golem huffed and looked at me. "Pulled a sword, danger." He had a small scratch on his nose.

"You're overreacting over a small scratch that no one can see, they're children, they don't know any better." I held my place.

"Leave and I will spare all of you." The golem threatened.

"We will, We'll leave, you have my word." I put my shield away.

"Good." The golem then walked away.

I sighed and looked over to the two. "Are you two FUCKING CRAZY?!" I felt the anger radiating around me.

Tommy looked down and sniffled. "M' sorry, dad..." He hiccuped.

I sighed and helped them both off the cow. "It's fine, just," I took a deep breath to calm myself. "Don't ever do that again, okay?"

"Yes, sir." Tubbo and Tommy both said simultaneously.

"Good, let's go." I grabbed both their hands and started to walk away from the village. "Bean, why didn't you come find me?" I grabbed the petrified bird from Tubbo's shoulder. "What are you good for?" I sighed and placed it under my beanie.

"Wait, we have to take Harley!" Tommy let go of my hand and went over to the cow. "Harley is our cow!"

"Our cow?" I raised an eyebrow and looked down at Tubbo. "Did you two buy a cow?"

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