A lonely carnation just sprung

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(shoutout to @Timeskip_God they helped my dumbasss work google docs)

Wibur's POV

'Mom, I'm really tired.' I wiped my forehead and leaned on the wall of the mines, we have survived another year somehow.

I've been mining day and night and I've also grown accustomed to farming. "A few gold bars and iron." I sighed and left the mine. "I've mined everywhere and resources are becoming more scarce. I'm getting worried, what should I do mom?" I wiped the ash from the coal off my cheek as my eyes made contact with the morning sun.

'Another wasted night.' I stuffed the ores into my inventory and made my way into the house.

I went to my room and quickly changed.

I threw on my beanie and walked over to Tommy and Tubbo's room. 'Mom, send me a bird, a dove perhaps, since they are the embodiment of peace and love. I really need that right now.' "Tubs, Toms. You guys awake?" I softly knocked on the door.

"Yeah, we changing!" I heard Tubbo.

"Okay, I'll start on breakfast!" I left for the kitchen.

"Oh yeah, Mom, I'm now a parent of two little gremlins." I took out some eggs and bacon. "I asked Tubbo why he was in a box and he told me that all he could remember and hear was Puffy crying and apologizing. I don't want to assume anything but I think Puffy didn't have a choice, or something like that." I stared hard at the eggs cooking, my eyes focusing on the oil sizzling. "Or maybe I just don't want to accept the fact Puffy didn't care for him anymore." I didn't like the idea and for a good while that sentence didn't even seem possible to be an answer.

"Dad!" I snapped myself out of my trance and looked over to the voice. "Is food ready?" Tommy was standing on top of the table with Tubbo.

"Yeah, you'll get a knuckle sandwich if you don't get off the table." I put the food on the plates and pick them up. "Tubbo, can you get the milk from the fridge?"

Tubbo nodded and slipped off the table then he scurried to the fridge.

"Dad are you sleepy?" Tommy asked as he sat down on one of the chairs.

"Why do you ask?" I set his plate in front of him and set down the other plates.

"Well you eyes look sad and you're all dirty." Tommy mumbled as he fidgeted with his scarf. "You always tired in the morning Dad."

"I'm just.." I bit my lip slightly. "Dad just has to work a lot to help you and Tub and to buy you toys." I put on a plastic smile.

Tommy didn't seem convinced but just nodded.

"Here go!" Tubbo put the milk on the table and gave each of us a cup. "Time to eat!" He grinned.

"Eat up, I'll take you two to the meadow after you're done." I felt a genuine smile appear on my face as the other two lit up like fireflies.

"Okay!" Tubbo and Tommy chimed in as they happily ate.

I chuckled and poured them a cup of milk. 'Maybe it isn't so bad being a parent.' I ate my happy breakfast.

"Uncle Wilbur, can we swim in the lake today too?" Tubbo was a shy kid, thanks to having an extroverted friend, so I was a bit surprised at his request. He'd usually want to stay home or see the meadow full of bees.

"Of course we can Tubbo, I'll pack a lunch and we can have a little picnic."

"Can we bring Ranboo?" Tommy grinned.

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