We'll meet again, don't know where

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Third person

Tommy did as his mother instructed and did his best to keep out of Dream's view, even though he hadn't even caught a glimpse of him.

Dream on the other hand was trying his best to keep his cool and remain in his Dream form as he looked around for Tommy knowing that he came back to the land.

"I don' know where he is Jack! What if he's dead?!" He could hear Tubbo's whining annoying voice, XD's words not mine.

"Calm down Tubbo, maybe he went home, he probably was like 'I'm bored where's Wilbuh' like always." Jack mimicked.

"Hmm." Dream hummed and walked over to them, making sure he had a happy go lucky voice he spoke up. "Hey guys!" He waved.

"Dream!" Tubbo smiled and ran over, hugging his leg tightly.

'Ugh children.' Dream desperately wanted to kick away the child but instead opted to ruffle his hair. "Hey Tubbo." He ran his finger through Tubbos hair to look through some of Tubbo's memories to see if he could find a place that Tommy would consider a safe place to hide or go to but the only thing that came up was Tommy telling Tubbo he was his safe place, ugh, he feels like he's gonna puke.

"Wanna play hide and seek with me, Jack, and Tommy! We can't find Tommy though." Tubbo let go of Dream, to Dream's relief.

"Sure, I can help find him! We can also ask Wilbur if he wants to play!" Dream tried to smoothly bring Wilbur into this seeing as he wants to make Wilbur forget his past family.

This request is so stupid. Dream is an idiot for summing a god to make him a family.

"Uhm okay, I doubt he want to though, Wilbur always has something else to do." Tubbo huffed.

"We can convince him!" Dream grabbed Tubbo's hand. "Lets go kid." He pulled Tubbo along without giving him a second to think.

"Ow my arm, Dream." Tubbo whined but just followed him.

Jack rose a brow and slid his glasses down slightly as he walked with them, his eyes trained onto Dream.

'Status check:

Heart rate: multiple

Body temperature: slightly heated

Blood pressure: High

Eyes: unknown, covered by mask

Breathing: Slightly erratic

Status: Angry, maybe murderous intent.'

Jack pushed his glasses back up and followed silently but his mind filled with questions, Why was Dream mad? Why was he acting weird? Did Wilbur do something to piss him off? What does ice cream and honey taste like?

Meanwhile Tommy busted into his house and started to look for Wilbur frantically. "Come on Wil! Mum's waiting for us!" He felt his heart hammering out of his chest as he checked the house once, twice, three times! He's lost count.

Tommy stopped in his tracks in the middle of Wilburs room and huffed. "Think! Wilbur mind, get into Wilbur's mind uhhh music, Tommy shut up! Sally my beloved, Tubbo don't take the bee, uhhhhh Jack take care of- JACK'S HOUSE!" He grinned and threw open Wilbur's door but before he could take a step out he heard voices coming from downstairs.

"Maybe Tommy decided to hide at his house! Even though that's definitely cheating!" He heard Tubbo's voice.

Tommy let out a sigh of relief and was about to call out to Tubbo until he heard his voice.

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