Crows will crowd a corpse

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"Come on Techno, we have to pick up Theseus then we can leave for the arctic." I led him down the dirt path as we made our way to the house. "\

"Why do you even care? Wilbur is doing fine with him. I mean they're both alive." Techno shrugged as he followed, his axe over his shoulder as he held a firm grasp on it.

"That isn't what I'm concerned about, Wilbur has raised his voice against me, His father, he also never told Tom- Theseus about me. Ugh, that kid has changed him so much. Theseus doesn't even know his name is Theseus!" I felt my wings flare open in anger.

"Calm down Phil, your feelings are showing." Techno huffed.

I took a deep breath and saw the house come into view. "Sorry mate."

"It's fine, let's just get this over with." Techno shrugged.

"Yeah yeah I know you want to leave as soon as possible." I pulled out the key and unlocked the house. "We'll grab Theseus before Wil wakes up then I'll fly us there."

"Sounds good, I'm guessing you wanted me for backup in case Wilbur wakes up and fights back?"

"Exactly." I guided us in the house and started to look for a room that looks like it was used for a baby.

"It feels oddly quiet." Techno whispered as he looked around. "Doesn't feel right." He mumbled.

"What are you on mate?" I chuckled and opened an old looking door with very faint scribbles. "Ah this must be his room." I pushed the door open and saw everything perfect and clean, except the bed. "What the..." I felt my heart go still. "Wilburs room, he has to be there." I leave and quickly find Wilbur's door filled with stupid music notes. "Wilbur!" I kicked the door open and saw nothing.

"Did you find him?" Techno's voice was barely heard through my seething rage.

"WILBUR MINECRAFT!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "I WILL FIND YOU AND BRING YOU HELL!"

(Small bonus chapter)

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