It's been a long, long time

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Ẉ̷̛̄̿͘e̴̛̯̎͋̿̕'̸͔̼͋̀́͊̔r̴̳̱̋̀e̴͈̗̤͚̐̉̓͜ ̴̞͉͚͚͙̏̐͊̊̍c̸̪̭͖̳̆͐̎̅o̷̳͌̒͆̆͘m̸̛̥͌̇̊i̷̛͚̎͘ñ̸̜̯̭ǧ̵̼͌ ̶̛̲͚̱͖̖͂̏͋̕c̷͚̻̮̖͝͝l̶̡̩̣̩̽o̶͖̜̓̓͜͠s̸̢̢̠̤̺̕e̶͓̯̻̪̩͊ ̷̛̭̟̈́͗͆t̸̝̠̋o̸̱̺̓͗́ ̸̘̑̀͋̄̿t̸͖̯̤͎͉͌̾͐h̴̛̪̔̽̇͐e̸̛͙͇͂̇͂ ̶̧̟͓̦͇̔͐̄̌̃e̵̞̘̦̺̎̈́͝n̸̻̣̆̈d̴͍͇͍͔͂̑̆ͅ,̷̧̘͙͗̃͑̇̐ ̴̲͙̌͊ä̷͈̟͓́̕͝r̶̫͔̫̒̔̈́͛ę̴͔̠̪͚̈́̇͒ ̸̨̝̟̘̗̎̈́͊̒̕y̴̮̠̙̖̆̈́ỏ̴̤̖͕͎̒͆̉͘ǔ̸̯͚̯̌ ̵͎͇͈͔̄͋̽͊̚ȇ̵̯͇̺̦̑x̶̳̋c̷̼͎̰̬̈́́̌̑͝i̸̡͓̦͖̗̾̋͆̍́t̷͔͎̞̤̞̀̒͐ē̶̯̣̃́͐̌d̵̳̓̆?̴̰̹̦́͜ͅ

Wilbur's pov

Sally's words stayed on repeat in my head days after she left. "I make good decisions, I'm not bad at it." I stared at my wooden ceiling, morning light shining through my window for the third time this week, meaning my old habits of overthinking are coming back. "The start of the next month is tomorrow and I want to pass away." I groaned and sat up. "New day." I got up and made my way to the bathroom, looked at myself in the mirror and saw my infamous bags coming back. "UGHHH!" I quickly got ready and left my room and went straight out of the house.

I started to walk down the dirt path in an attempt to tire myself out.

"Hey Wilbur, what are you doing up so early?" I turned my head and saw Dream and stupid, not stupid I'm just emotionally sad, mask.

"I should say the same about you, why up so early, Dream?" I stood in my place as he walked over to me.

"Gods never rest." We both laughed at the joke. "I was out getting xp to enchant my stuff. You?"

I sighed. "I'm sad and I feel like shit and I want to pass away."

"Damn." I raised an eyebrow, "I'm sorry." I just rolled my eyes. "Well I know you're sad because your wife left but why do you feel like shit?"

"What is this therapy?" I snorted.

"Wilbur, I'm serious are you alright?" Dream placed a hand on my shoulder.

I fucking sobbed like a baby from that small touch. "No, I'm not. I'm so tired of this, I'm tired of being a parent, I'm tired of being left alone, I'm so tired of everything! I just want to rest, rest and never wake up. I just want my life back!" I hugged him tightly. He hugged back. "I just want my mum."

Dream patted my back and lightly rubbed it. "She's gone, Wilbur, you have to move on."

That was not what I wanted to hear. "What the hell dick! How can I move on from my own mothers death!"

"Wilbur, she died eight years ago! It doesn't matter if it was your mom or best friend! If you don't try and push yourself to move on you'll just be stuck in an endless loop of grief and suffering!" Dream yelled. "Whether you like it or not you are now Tommy's guardian, act like it."

I was left speechless, Dream has changed over the years, for better or worse he was right. "But how? How do I just move on?" I've noticed how being forced to care for Tommy and myself never gave me the chance to mourn and move on and now I don't know how.

"That's something for you to figure out, I can only be there for support." Dream crosses his arms.

"How were you able to move on from leaving your home, your family." I tried wiping the tears that stained my face off but no matter what they just kept pouring out\/

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