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Wilbur's pov

"Come on, we're almost there-" "Ugh stop lying we're still like forever far away." Tommy groaned

"Wilbur, I'm tired, pick me up." I looked over at Sally's little pool connected to the cow.

"You see I would, but you're kind of in water right now and you still haven't perfected your land transformation, maybe next time love." I kissed her lightly as Tommy and Tubbo gagged.

"Please never do that again or I will poke my eyes out with a fork." Tommy groaned, Bean on his shoulder chirping in agreement.

"You know Tommy is in serious mode since he said please." Tubbo whispered to me.

I snorted and nodded. "Okay Tommy, Tubbo, Whatever you say." I pulled out my map and opened my cords. "And I was telling the truth when I said we were almost there, just a couple more miles." I closed my cords and stuffed the map back in my inventory.

"I'm so excited!" Tubbo grinned widely. "'M gonna see my family again!"

"Hey I thought I-" "we-" "I was your family!" I rolled my eyes.

"We are family Tom's! But I miss my Papa and brothers... I can barely remember their faces..." Tubbo looked at the floor. "I can't even remember their faces, I miss them. I wanna know why papa left me."

Now I understood why Puffy looked at me in pity, I shouldn't have snapped at her. "Hey Tubbo, it's okay, you'll see them again." I kneeled in front of him. "I promise you're gonna see them again." I hugged him tightly.

"Okay Wilbur!" He hugged him back. "I believe you, maybe."

"Maybe?! Ugh whatever, let's just go." I walked ahead and let the little shits follow behind me. "Last time I comfort you." Obviously a lie, I'm not gonna let my boys suffer.

"Wilbur! Are we there yet?!" I am going to kill Tommy, yup, I will send Bean to pick out his eyes.

"Not yet you idiot, I'll tell you when we get there." I flicked his forehead. "So shut up."

"Ugh but I'm tired I wanna get there already!" Tommy groaned. Bean picked his cheek and chirped. "What Bean?" Bean chirped again and flew up slightly. "What?" His beak grabbed a small piece of Tommy's and tried pulling him back. "Bean, stop it." Tommy lightly pushed him away.

Bean kept chirping and pulling at his shirt. "What is going on with you?" I grabbed the bird and pulled it towards me. Bean in turn bit down on my hand making me let him go. "Ow! Okay enough!" I rubbed my hand on my yellow coat. "Stay here if you want but we're going to the smp." I grabbed Harley's lead and Tommy's hand then walked towards the smp.

Bean flew over and grabbed my beanie, his chirping sounding desperate, like a plea to not go. "Stop it you dumb bird!" I grabbed my hat and waved it off. "Why are you so-"

"Wilbur?" I turned over and saw a smiling mask look at me.

"Holy shit." I laughed. "Dream motherfucking shanty." "Uh taken." "What was taken?"

Dream laughed as he walked over to me. "The name is Dream taken."

"More like WAS taken, Puffy was worried sick when you were gone, I thought you got kidnapped or well 'taken'. You, Sapnap, and George." I crossed my arms as a huge smile took over my face. "I should have known the 'Dream smp' was you." I snapped out of this cute reunion from a tug at my sweater.

"Pst, Wilbur, is that?" Tubbo hid behind me as he peaked over at Dream.

"Yeah Tubs, it's your brother, Dream." I moved to the side and lightly pushed Tubbo. "Dream, say hi to your not so baby brother."

"Well I'll be damned," He kneeled down and lightly slipped his mask, showing his black sclera and green iris, his face had glowing green freckles dotted all over. "Hey Tubbo, you're so big." He gave a warm smile.

Tubbo sniffled then bursted into tears as he ran over to Dream, tackling him over with a big hug. "Dweaaaaam!"

Dream gave a good hearted laugh as he hugged him back just as tight. "I know I miss you too, kid."

Wilbur chuckled. "I'm assuming you own the Dream smp, considering it's your name in the land."

"Yup, After I left Puffy's house," I felt a little weird at him calling his own father by her name. "I came here and felt more liberated, I wanted to share that with everyone else. Wanted others to come and start anew and I wanted a big happy family, my own family." Dream smiled and let Tubbo go.

"But what about Puffy and Foolish? She was heartbroken when you left."

"Puffy didn't care much for me, she was always focused on her star child Foolish since he was a half god after all." Dream sounded very bitter, angered, and jealous. "And Foolish, well I doubt he would want to leave his precious father." He mimicked an annoying voice.

"Why are-"

He cut me off with a loud, "Anyway, why do you have Tubbo? Did Tommy kidnap him or something?" Dream joked.

"Ah, well..." Oh god how do I explain this? He obviously has bad feelings towards Puffy and Foolish. "How do I explain this,"

"Papa left me in a box saying she was sorry then, Uncle Wilbur took me home! But it's okay because we gonna go find papa and Foolish!" Tubbo spoke proudly.

I wanted to pass away.

"Oh, of course." Dream grumbled. "Well you're here now and you can live with me." He stood back up and held his hand. "Welcome to the smp! Where everyone can start anew."

I smiled at Dream."Thanks, I'm sure we'll love it here." I grabbed Harley's lead and took a step forward into the smp, the others following behind.

Behind Wilbur the bird looked panicked as it flew towards the woods.

A woman with dark brown hair, a large hat filled with candles and marigolds, with a long silk black dress with embroidered flowers hung off her shoulders as she held her hand out for the bird.

The bird chirped, flapping his wings desperately.

"I know small one, I know what XD will do," Words slipped out of her black painted lips like silk. "I'm worried about my children as well but I couldn't stay, I have a job to do." She opened her hand and the bird turned into a beautiful black garnet sword. "I should have known he was planning this." She glared at the land, the protective globe surrounding it only visible to the gods and Dream. "Please my children, stay safe, don't let that thing that was once known as Dream manipulate you." She squeezed her emerald earring. "For he's not the Dream you think he is, but a replacement, a copy of the dead one." She sunk back into the darkness. The woods now quiet and empty, no animal in sight.

"Hopefully your father will have a change of heart."

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