A long journey ahead of us

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Wilbur's Pov

I sat up in my bed as the morning sun shone on my face. 'One more day till Phil comes home' Was the first thought that came across my mind. 'Should I leave? Go to the Dream was taken SMP?' I slipped out of my bed and went to my closet to get ready for the day. 'It's not like I have a choice.' I looked at the bag in the corner of my room full of random items as I tried to make up my mind.

"It's not like I have a choice, Phil wants to take away my kid." I grabbed some of my clothes and more important items and stuffed them into the bag I saw earlier.

I grabbed all our ores and made my way to Tommy and Tubbo's room.

"Wake up little shits!" I bursted into their room as I screamed for them to wake up.

"Ughhh five more minutes!" Tommy groaned and pulled the covers over his and Tubbo's heads.

"Nope! Get up!" I pulled the blanket clean off. "We're going on an adventure!" I turned on the lantern hanging in the middle of the room. "So get up, get dressed, and get ready to leave!" I smiled.

Tommy gave me a lazy smile as he sat up. "Really?" He rubbed his eyes as Tubbo also sat up.

"Will there be bees?" I picked Tubbo up and spun him around slightly.

"You bet we will, we will find hundreds of meadows full of bees, and cows!" I looked over at Tommy. "Maybe even a moth."

"Okay I'm up!" Tommy quickly hopped off the bed. "Let's go!"

I put down Tubbo. "Alright let's get ready to go!" I helped them pack all they needed, they really wanted to pack all their toys and goodies but I was able to manipulate them into only taking what they needed.

"Alright, are we ready?" I put my beanie on and grabbed my pretty old guitar.

"Mhm!" Tubbo pulled on his back pack and held Tommy's hand.

"Good, let's go!" I opened the door and let them out.

I looked at the now empty house, my old home, a home broken and empty. "Bye mom, I love you and I promise I will take care of Tommy." I grabbed a small picture frame that had me and my mother, her belly round with pregnancy.

I smiled softly at the bittersweet memory and left the house. "Alright, let's get going." I tucked the frame into my pocket and held the two tot's hands. "We aren't stomping till the stars shine." I teased as we began to make our journey to the Dream smp.

"If I find a cow can I take it!" Tommy bounced slightly.

"OOH! OOH! Same with bee!" Tubbo added in.

"Hard maybe." We walked further and further into the woods, father and father away from our old home.

"Where we going Wilby?" Tommy looked up at me.

"And adventure, remember Tom's?" I chuckled. "You having memory problems there, Bud?"

"No not that!" Tommy puffed his cheeks. "I mean where we going? We going to a jungle? A beach! I wanna have a party next to a beach!" Tubbo gasped and agreed with Tommy.

"No, we're going to a place called the Dream smp!" I announced happily?

"Dream smp? Like Tubbo's brother Dream?' Tommy looked confused.

"Dream?" Oh right, Dream... why did I forget him? He was my best friend...

I glared slightly at the ground as we came to a stop. 'Did he start an Smp? Is that why he left Puffy's home? Is Puffy there with him and Foolish? Did she go there to forget her old life? That means she really left...

"Dad?" I snapped out my thoughts and looked back at Tommy. "I mean Wilby, you okay?"
"Huh, oh, ye-yeah sorry I spaced out. Uhm maybe it's a different Dream." I smiled. "But if it is, Tubbo you'll get to see your brother again!"

"Yay! I miss Dweam!" Tubbo grinned as we started to walk again. "I get to play with him and Foolish and Papa again!" Tubbo was now bouncing as he droned on about what he would do when he found his family together again. I didn't have the heart to tell him.

"Yeah of course Tub's." I looked at the map and looked at the huge river we were at yesterday. "Okay lets find a safeway down."

"Can we ride the log again?" "NO!" I was quick to yell.

"Okay! Okay!" Tommy shrinked back.

I sighed and took out a crafting table. "Sorry buddy, when we get down we can ride the river, okay?"

"Hmmmm okay!" I quickly crafted a boat and some ladders to help ourselves down.

"Watch your steps okay!" I climbed down the ladders slowly, Tubbo and Tommy following in suit.

"Why can't we jump?" Tommy groaned. "My arm's hurt."

"If you jump you're gonna see Phil's wife a lot sooner bud!" I held a sternness to my voice which didn't really work since I have a fifteen year old pubescent cracking voice, great.

"Okay, I'll go down the ladder." I chuckled as I jumped off the remaining ladders to the floor. I held my arms open just incase Tommy or Tubbo decided on letting Prime take the wheel.

Tubbo plopped down on the ground with a small oof and Tommy decided to jump down in my arms.

"Okay now lets look for that sign again and we'll be on our way to the Dream smp." I spoke with a very cheerful voice.

"The one from uh yesday?" Tommy struggled to remember the word.

"Yesterday buddy, and yes we are looking for that sign." I put Tommy down and took their hands as we started to walk through the forest.

"Why?" Tubbo asked.

"Because we need the coordinates." I smiled softly as I took out my sword just in case some mobs came out.

"Core- di- nate?" Tubbo struggled on the word.

"Close, but yes, coordinates are used to find a place specifically, so like instead of saying it's up then take a left you say the coords and it shows you where to go." I explained as best I could. "Here I can show you." I pressed a couple of invisible buttons that only I could see and up popped a see through black screen. "Up here you can see the coords." I kneeled down and showed them where we were.

"Woah, cool!" Tubbo started to look at the other information.

"How do that!" Tommy started to flail his arms around trying to look for the invisible screen.

I chuckled and hid my screen again as I stood up. "You're too young, wait till you're 10 then you'll get it, for now you just rely on me." I swiped through some bushes and finally found the sign. "Bingo." I dusted it off slightly and wrote down the coordinates.

I opened my coords again and felt my eyes go wide. "That is a... Long journey ahead of us..."  I looked back at the coords and realized it will take us 3 years at LEAST to find it. I'll be old enough to buy po-

"Wilby, look it's the pretty birdie again!" I snapped out my thoughts and looked over to where Tubbo pointed.

The orange crow was looking at us and chirped, the gold necklace it wore yesterday shining proudly. "Hey pretty bird, is this where your nest is?" It chirped and flew down into my beanie. "Okay, uhm, stay as long as you want?" I shrugged and looked down at Tommy and Tubbo. "Alright down the river we go kids."

"Yay! Ride time!" Tommy and Tubbo both cheered and walked down to the river bank.

'Mom, this is goodbye, I'm gonna to be busy to be able to talk to you and well I just want to forget Phil's existence. I want to start new, No longer am I Wilbur Minecraft but Wilbur Soot. No longer is Tommy Theseus Minecraft but Tommy Soot.'

I pulled the boat out of my inventory and put it in the river. "Okay everyone hop in."

I helped Tommy and Tubbo back in. 'Here goes nothing.' I hesitantly kick the boat in and hop in The river's current starting to push us away, away, and away.

'Bye Kristen.'

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