Heal him, please

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Trigger warning: Anxiety attack

Wilbur's Pov

I sobbed and fell to my knees as I kept calling out for Puffy, like a whiny child who didn't get what they wanted.

"Wilbur, what's wrong?" I looked over and saw Puffy with a worried expression, she was panting heavily meaning she ran here from wherever she was. "Are you okay kids?" She kneeled next to me.

"T-Tom- Mama I ne-nee-ne-" I hiccupped as I tried to breathe... wait how do I breathe? Why can't I breath... It feels tight... It feels so so suffocating... Mama please help me...

"-ur Wilbur!" I wanted to vomit as my clouded eyes looked at a sheep...

"Ma-ma-mammma- Help- i-'' Why can't I speak?! What is happening? It feels numb? Tommy!? My mind was racing a mile a minute.

"Wilbur, look at me, Wilbur it's gonna be okay, You're okay, just focus on me, focus on my voice." I gripped onto this rainbow sheep for dear life as she kept talking to me in a soothing voice.

"Okay can you hear me Wil?" I nodded. "Good, can you give me 5 deep breaths?" I hesitantly nodded. "It's okay, I'm here, let's breathe together okay?" She put my hand on her chest (not like that anyone who's weird- I do this to myself when I have a panic attack) when her chest rose I took a deep breath, It kept on going like that until we reached five.

Eventually my eyes were able to focus, The rainbow sheep made itself into a figure, oh it's Puffy.

"Can you see Wilbur? Is your vision okay?" I nodded but I still felt... Icky? "Good, now four things you can see." My eyes darted around the room as My mind raced with answers.

"Y-you, fl-fl-floor, D-d-d-d-" "It's okay, take your time, no one is rushing you." I swallowed thickly and took a shaky breath "Do-oor, a-and pi-pic-pic-ture."

"Good, you're doing so good Wilbur, now three things you can touch." I moved my hand away and oh it's shaking, why is it shaking? Am I cold? Am I getting sick? Maybe I'm about to faint?! "Wilbur, can you tell me three things you can touch?" I flinched as I felt cold hands touch my shaking one.

"Y-y-you," I moved my other hand. "C-c-cold fl-fl-oooor, an-d my sh-sh-shirrrr-t."

"Good, almost done, now two deep breaths, can you do it by yourself?" I nodded. "Okay I'll count okay?" I nodded again.

I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. "One." I took one more deep breath and let it out. "Two, good good. Now one thing you can hear."

"Your v-v-voice." I'm fine, it's okay, Puffy's here and she can help Tommy. "T-Tommy, he-he woke up b-but now he-he-he's asleep."

"Okay, I'm assuming you want me to check up on him?" I nodded. "Let's go." She stood up, I followed in suit but my legs were wobbling as I realized how tired I was, I would have fallen over if it weren't for Puffy catching me

"Woah, careful kid, maybe you need some sleep." She rubbed my back gently. "Let's get you to bed-" "No!" "Wilbur-" "Not until I know Tommy is fine!" I pulled away from her and started to make my way back to the room Tommy was in.

"Wilbur..." I ignored her and turned the lights on, Tommy's face scrunched up as the light hit his face.

"Wake up Tom's, Puffy's here." I shook him slightly. "Wake up so we can go home." Tommy grumbled and slowly opened his eyes.

"Wilby?" He mumbled, his voice sounding worse than before. "'M tired, wan' go home." He weakly clung onto me.

"I know buddy, when Puffy is done checking on you, we'll go home." I ruffled his hair. "I promise." Tommy nodded weakly and cuddled into me as Puffy walked in. "Please, tell me what's wrong with my baby brother."

Puffy sighed. "Wilbur, he's sick, he needs lot's of medicine and rest."

"What medicines?" "Wilbur." "What medicines, Puffy." I spoke in a stern controlled voice.

Puffy sighed. "I'll get them next morning, right now Tommy has to sleep." I nodded.

"I'll grab the medicine instead after I take Tommy home."

"What?! Wilbur, take him home? He needs to stay here, you can't take care of him when he's sick."

"What do you think I'm incapable of taking care of my baby brother?!" I felt red cover my vision. "News flash Puffy, I've been taking care of Tommy for three fucking years with no help! I know Tommy more than any of you, so don't tell me I don't know how to care for him!" My voice cracked through my angry rant.

Puffy was left speechless, the room felt uncomfortably small.

"Wilby?" I forgot Tommy was awake, I looked down at him to see his face bright red and sweaty. "Can I sleep?" I nodded and held him close.

I took a deep calming breath and spoke. "I'll stay here with Tommy through the night but once that sun is out I'm taking him home with me." I kept my eyes trained on Tommy as I heard a faint 'okay' then Puffy left with little to no noise.

"Wilby?" "Yeah Tom's?" "I'm scared" My eyes filled with Worry as I laid down with him. "Why's that?"

"I don' wan' see Philza's wife." My eyes widened at the suggestion from that sentence.

"Don't say that bud, you'll be fine, I promise. Tomorrow you'll rest all day and then we can go to the festival." Tommy lit up slightly at that.

"Really?" "Yes, but you have to get better first okay?" I tickled him slightly which made him laugh. "Okay! I heal up fast! Can I get Tubbo to festival?" I nodded making him grin wider. "Okay! Okay! I sleep now, night Dad!" He turned over and curled into a ball.

"Good night Tommy." I smiled and hummed a small tune to help lull him to sleep.

'Mom, Tommy's condition looks to be getting worse but I know you'll help him, I know you can heal him, I know you can protect him, so please help him. The only good thing really to come out of this is that Tommy called me Wilby, the nickname you gave me.'

I couldn't sleep that night, Tommy's words and the night mom died played in my head on repeat as I watched Tommy's sleeping figure, I had to make sure he didn't visit mom, not yet.

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