Settling in a real home

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(I am so so so so SO SORRY for the lack of updates, I had a performance, work, school work, and packing to go on a trip I will try and get two more updates before I leave since my internet will be shit when I do, again sorry!)

Wilbur's pov

"Wow, this place is really amazing, Dream!" I stared in awe as I looked at the beautiful greenery, feeling more home welcoming than the place we used to live.

"Thanks, Sapnap, George, and I found this place while wandering around and decided. 'Hey! What if I made a small town for people who need a home!' and boom the Smp was born." Dream explained as he walked us to the center of the greenfields.

"Wait, Sapnap? George? As in Bad son and sleeping beauty's kid?" George was actually born from a spell gone wrong because Sapnap wanted to be like Bad and create living entities. Sapnap wanted to make a cat but accidentally made a mushroom-human hybrid, who acts like a cat, named George.

Dream chuckled and nodded. "Those two have been arguing like a married couple but I know they care for and love each other deep down, I mean Sap did make him in his vision."

"Aw that's so gay." Tubbo snickered.

"Yep, the Dream team is fruity for each other." Dream ruffled his hair. "Wil are you gonna build a house or would you like one that we have provided."

"For now can we have one provided then I can build one in the meantime." I smiled.

"Sounds good, oh also, who's this?" Dream pointed at Sally. "Did you kidnap a mermaid?"

"Actually I'm a salmon!" Sally perched up. "And I'm Wilbur's love!" She spoke proudly.

"Interesting, a bird and a fish." Dream chuckled, "Interesting match."

"I'm not just a bird!" I butted in. "I'm a crow!" I extended my wings proudly.

"A flightless crow." Dream flicked my nose. "Woah what happened there?" I looked over to where he pointed and winced as I saw a very old, dirty, blood filled bandage.

Shit, forgot about that...

"Uh, where's Sapnap and George by the way?" I tucked my wings away as I walked past him.

"They're making a farm." Dream mumbled as he pulled his mask back down

"Well uh where's the house we can live in for now?"

"I'll take you there, come on." Dream let go of Tubbo's arm and took out a map.

Tubbo walked next to Tommy and held onto him as they walked through the empty fields. "Are there bee's?"

"Plenty, we have a whole meadow of bees." Dream chuckled as Tubbo squealed.

"Tubbo would not shut up about bees for the entirety of me taking care of him." I chuckled.

"Of course, You two go exploring." "Hold on-" Dream gave Tubbo a map. "Be back at that point," "Dream-" He showed a small building on the center of the map. "Before sunset." "Wait-"

Tommy and Tubbo grinned at each other. "Okay!"

"Wait a minute!" I stopped him. "I am not letting Tubbo and Tommy wander around alone, they are seven!"

"They'll be fine Wil, I promise. There are no mobs out, it's day, and the smp is safe." Dream hooked an arm around Wilburs shoulders.

"But-" "I'll go with them Wil!" I turned over and looked at Sally. "Harley will pull me around and I'll get a chance to practice shifting!" I sighed and walked over to her.

"Thank you my darling." I kissed her head softly. "Yell if you need me." I smiled.

"Of course." Sally turned towards the duo. "Alright you little fishes let's go!" Tommy and Tubbo cheered as they ran off. "After them Harles!" Harley mooed and followed them.

I still felt tense as Dream wrapped an arm around me. "They'll be fine. We did the same when we were their age!" He chuckled.

"Yeah but we lived in the ass crack of nowhere and your father owned that part of the forest." I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah I know, I own the smp remember?" Dream shook me. "Lighten up buddy! You finally have a free schedule! Is there anything you wanted to do when you weren't parenting 24/7?"

I hummed in thought then smiled. "I think you know what I am thinking old pal." I put my arm over his shoulder.

"Hell yeah." He squeezed my shoulder as we both ran off.

"I'VE NEVER FELT SO FUCKING GOOD! HOLY SHIT!" I held onto my beanie as I and Dream rode down a snowy mountain in a boat; weird I know but it's safer than a sled, maybe.

"HERE COMES A ROCK!" Dream yelled as he steered the boat towards it.

"GOD IS THIS WHAT FLYING FEELS LIKE?" I laughed as it launched us into the air.

"YOU BET YOUR SWEET ASS!" We both looked down and realized how far up we were. "HERE COMES A DROP DON'T DIE!"

"I SHOULD BE TELLING YOU THAT!" We laughed as we felt the boat falling down.

"IT HAPPENED ONCE LET IT-" It dropped onto the ground and launched us out, making us roll down the rest of the way down. "-GO!"

I felt myself smack into a tree, letting out a small groan. Dream landed next to me, covered in snow looking like a human sized snowball.

"You look stupid."

"And you don't?" We both laughed and stood up.

I dusted off the snow from my arms."Holy shit, haven't felt like that since I was eight-" "At Sapnap's birthday?" Dream added.  "When we went to the nether-" I turned over to him with a wide smile. "And almost fell into lava trying to jump across floating islands!" Dream smiled back.

"Good times," I chuckled as Dream wheezed. "By the way, where is he? I wanna see how much he and George have changed."

"Should we be at the farm or the wheat farm, we can go look around." Wilbur nodded and followed Dream out of the snowy biome and back into the spring-like biome.

I felt the smell of bacon and eggs waft into my nose making my stomach churn. "Ugh."

"Looks like Nikki made some food." Dream hummed as he led me into a cute cottage looking home.

"Nikki? As in-"

"Hello Dream!" Nikki looked over then gasped. "Wil, is that you?" She walked over to me and looked up to meet my eyes. "My you've grown! Wow, has it really been that long?" She gave me a small hug.

"Hey Nikki," I hugged her back. "What happened with you and uh Captain Puffy?"

"Nothing bad, I hope, I came over one day to her house but it was empty, I found a small note on the table hearing about how she was searching for Dream," I ignored the sigh, sort of groan, Dream let out. "So I tried finding her to catch up but then I ended up here." She chuckled. "I tried sending a letter out to her but there were no birds in sight, just a couple birds with an orange- no red wings and they didn't seem so friendly when you got close."

"I see," Is that bean's family? "Well if you found your way here I'm sure she will as well."

"I really do hope so." Nikki sighed as she fiddled with a ring on her... wait a damn minute. "YOU'RE ENGAGED?! SINCE WHEN?!"

Nikki laughed. "I have a lot to tell you, for now eat, you look hungry." She walked over to the counter next to the stove and grabbed a plate. "Here! Eggs, bacon, and toast!"

I held back a gag as I smelled the food. "Ah no thanks, I'm not a big fan of uhm eggs."

"What? You loved them when we were kids." Dream nudged him. "Whatever, we gotta go see Pandas and Greg."

I snorted. "Ah yes Greg, a good friend who loves sleep." I laughed as we both left, giving Nikki a wave goodbye.

We walked down a path, I rubbed my arm as I wondered,

Why do I hate the smell of eggs? Mom hated eggs when she had Tommy...

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