When will I see you again?

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Wilbur's Pov

It's been a couple months since mom died, Tommy can crawl somewhat but he hasn't said any words. Dad is still all over Techno and only somewhat cares for Tommy, I'm still invisible.

I sighed as I put down my half read book, I lean my head back onto my bed as I stare at the ceiling. "Hey Mom, how's heaven been like?" This was a regular thing for me, it was the only way I could cope with my mothers death. Yeah it's unhealthy but it's not like I can get a therapist.

"Wil!" I sighed and stood up as my father called for me.

"I'll talk to you later Mom." I left my room and made my way to where my fathers voice was.

"Yes dad?" I stood in front of him, he was standing at the door with Techno.

Dad took a deep breath. "Me and Techno have to leave, again." My eyes widened slightly.

"What? But Tommy's just an infant and Mom is gone. Who's gonna care for us?"

"You are, you'll be fine Wil, THESEUS will be okay." I bit my cheek, not wanting to argue with my father knowing he wouldn't even care for my opinion, it was just a lost cause at this point.

"...So when are you gonna come back?"

Dad smiled softly. "Don't worry Wilbur, it won't be too long." I crossed my arms and looked to my side knowing that was a lie. "We'll be back before you know it!"

"That's what you always say." I mumbled.

"Bye Wilbur!" He grabbed his bag and left the house.

Techno's Massive frame grabbed his bag and ruffled my hair. "Alright, see ya later kid." I balled my hands into a fist as I glared at the wall in front of me, Then he left.

The house was silent once again, it was the same as always, only this time it was just me and Tommy. I glared at the door until I was snapped out by a loud cry coming from Tommy's room.

I tensed and quickly went to Tommy's room, I opened his door. "Tommy?" I walked over to him and sighed. "Shhhh." He kept wailing as I picked him up. "Shhh it's okay bud." I started to rock him.

"Are you hungry? Do you need to be changed? Are you tired?" I didn't know what to do, I'm ten for fuck sake! Who leaves a child alone with a fucking baby!?

I felt tears prick at my eyes as I kept trying to calm Tommy down. "Please stop crying..." My voice cracked as I patted his back, but all he did was cry louder.

"Mommy, I don't know what to do... Please help me..." I sunk to my knees as I kept trying to calm him down.

It took 30 minutes until Tommy finally calmed down. My head hurt from crying and Tommy's wailing as both our stomachs growled. Tommy tugged on my beanie slightly. "I know bud, I'm hungry too." I sniffled softly as I got up and left the room.

"Milk and eggs sound nice about now." Tommy could eat only a few solid foods, he mostly drinks milk.

"I'm gonna put you down, okay? Don't move." I put Tommy down and went to the fridge, I took out the milk and eggs then I grabbed a bottle for Tommy.

I poured the milk in the bottle then closed it. "This should keep you satisfied for a bit. I turned around and gave Tommy the bottle.

Tommy immediately latched onto the bottle and drank from it happily. I smiled softly and started cooking the eggs.

"I feel bad for you Mom, I wonder if I was this bad when I was a baby." I chuckled as I put the eggs onto two plates.

"Alright Tom's, time to eat." I put the food on the plate and looked at where I left Tommy only to see a half empty milk bottle. "Tommy?!" I started to panic. "Toms where are you bud?!" I looked around the kitchen and dining room. "Come on Tom's. This isn't funny." I shuffled to the living room as my eyes darted around.

I sighed in relief as I saw Tommy chewing on one of the couch cushions. "Hey bud, there's food in the kitchen." I walked over and picked Tommy up, putting the cushion back on the couch.

Tommy whined and tried to reach out for the cushion. "I know, the couch tastes good but eggs are better." I walked to the kitchen and sat Tommy down on my lap. "Dad couldn't have gotten you a high chair?" I mumbled as I grabbed Tommy's small plate of food and his bottle of milk. "Here you go bud." I grabbed the small fork and started to feed him small bits.

Tommy gurgled and smiled as he ate. "Is it good?" I chuckled as I finished feeding him. "I'll have to keep that in mind." I moved the empty plate away and gave him his bottle. "Finish your milk while I eat." He started to drink his milk as I started to eat the eggs I made for myself.

It was quite peaceful for a few days, it felt nice. But of course babies are babies, and they hate everything.

"WAHHHHHH!" I sighed as I put the hand washing thingy and clothes down then dry my hands.

"I'm coming Tommy." I walked over to his room and turned the lights on. "Morning bud." I walked over and picked him up as he kept crying and thrashing around. "Hungry? Or bored?" I started to bounce him as I made my way to the kitchen.

Tommy just screamed and cried, I sighed and gave him my beanie (for some reason he loves it more than his toys) He stopped screaming and was left sniffling as he played with it. "I'll go with bored." I grabbed his bottle just in case and set him down on the ground.

"Stay here, I have to finish up washing the clothes." I put his bottle next to him and started to make my way to the laundry room only for him to start screaming and crying again.

"Tommy..." I groaned and made my way back. "What now?" He started to make grabby hands towards me as he grunted and whined. "Up?" He nodded. "Tommy I have to wash the clothes." I sighed as I picked Tommy up.

Tommy, in return, nuzzled into my neck and clung onto my shirt and beanie. "Okay there has to be a solution to this." I started to think back to how dad kept Tommy close, he used his wings but I haven't gotten them yet.

"Books." I went to the bookshelf and grabbed a book about raising a baby. "How to hold a baby while doing shit..." I mumbled as I flipped through the pages. "Here, use a baby holder or wrap the baby to your back or front using a blanket or cloth of sorts." I put the book down and grabbed a blanket that lay on the couch.

"Okay, how do we do this." After many failures I managed to tie Tommy to my back. "How are you doing back there Tom's?" I heard a giggle and gurgle in return. "Okay, laundry time." I smiled and left back to the laundry room then I continued on with the laundry.

How I miss those simple times.

(I'll try an update every Monday!)

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