It's time for seasons to change

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Wilbur's Pov

Three days, Philza is giving me Three days. My mind spun with the last sentence Philza gave me before he left.

My mind was elsewhere while my eyes trained on the two boys playing in the meadow.

What am I gonna do? I raised Tommy, I am more his father than him. I am not gonna let him take Tommy away. I glared at the air harshly.

"Dad!" I looked over to the source of the voice and saw two sweaty energetic children. "Dad can we eat now? We hungry." He plopped down next to me while Tubbo sat next to him.

"Of course kid, I made some sandwiches and lemonade." I took the food out from a small basket. "Here you go, you two." I took one out for myself and ate it.

"We can go to lake next right?!" Tubbo was beaming.

I chuckled at his eagerness and nodded. "Calm down Tubs, the lake isn't moving anywhere." I ruffled his hair.

"We didn't find any bees." Tommy spoke with a mouthful. "Why they not here Wilby?" I can never keep up with this kid, it's always Dad or Wilby.

"Let's stick with Wilby, okay Tom's? And also let's try not to speak with a full mouth." I chuckled. "And about the bees-" I was cut off by Tubbo.

" it's almost fall so the bees have moved to go to sleep." Tubbo spoke with a big smile. "And the bees come again in summer!"

"Wow," I was a bit surprised. "How do you know all this you're four."

"I'm smart Uncle Wilby! Papa let me read her travel books all time!" After he said those his smile fell. "I wonder if Papa is making more books." He looked down at his almost finished sandwich.

"Hey Tubs," I put my hand on his. "I know Papa seems so far away but I promise you she's thinking of you every second. Papa loves you and I bet she's looking for you."

"But why she leave me in a box?" Tubbo looked at me, tears threatening to spill.

"She didn't mean too, may-... she was gonna come back but she was in danger so she left you to protect you." I pulled my sleeve down slightly and wiped his eyes with them. "So now crying, okay? You're a big man right?" I smiled.

"Yeah!" Tubbo smiled widely.

"Good, now finish up your sandwich so we can go to the lake." I finished up my own food and started to pack up some of the picnic stuff.

"Okay!" Tubbo ate the rest of his sandwich and downed the rest of the lemonade.

Tommy helped me pack the rest. "Alright, you boys aren't forgetting anything right?" I stood up and held the basket.

"Nope!" Tubbo and Tommy held onto each of my hands.

"Swag, let's go." I walked through the meadow with them and down the path towards the lake.

"Wilby, do you think we find a cow there?" Tommy hummed.

"What is your obsession with cows and moths?" I laughed slightly. "You and Tubbo are so attached to animals and insects."

"Cows are so nice and cute! And moths are pretty." Tommy gushed and squeezed my hand.

"And bees are chubby, small, and adoor-ble!" Tubbo also gushed. "I wan' a bee! And and I'm gonna name it uh I'm gonna name it...."

"Beeinnit?" I chuckled softly. "Interesting name."

"Yeah beeinnit! Because a bee is in it? A flower!?" Tubbo nervously smiled.

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