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Wilbur's pov

I looked at the clock above the bed my Brother laid in, the clock read 10:00pm, the party was long done and the house was silent.

I knew Puffy and Nikki were still trying to contact Philza. It's a hopeless case, I know, I've sent piles and piles of letters throughout the years and not once did I get a letter back.

"Tom's, wake up... please..." I sighed as I expected no response back. Keyword 'Expected'

"W-Wilby?" I jumped up as I heard Tommy's hoarse voice speak up in the empty room.

"Yes Tom's? I'm here, how are you doing?" I moved closer to his side and looked at his bed ridden face.

"My throat hurts, everything hurts." He sniffled as his eyes started to well up with tears. "I wan' go home, I don't like it here." He hiccuped as he sat up, his posture showed how uncomfortable he was.

"I know bud but Puffy and Nikki need to check up on you, we can't leave bud." I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly.

"I wan' go home." Tommy sobbed. "I feel icky."

"How about this, after Nikki checks up on you we'll go home, okay? You can lay down in your bed and stuffed animals and I'll read you, your favorite bedtime story, how about that?" I smiled as I rubbed his back in a soothing manner.

Tommy sniffled. "Pwomise?" He held out his pinkie.

"Promise." I linked my pinkie with his. "Now Let me go get Nikki-" "No!" "Toms-"

"Don't leave me," Tommy buried his face in my sweater. "Please Wilby, I don' wanna be 'lone."

I sighed. "Okay, I won't go anywhere." Tommy kept crying. 'How do I calm him down?' I hummed in thought until it hit me. "How about a song?"

Tommy sniffled. "Song?" I nodded.

"Do you want me to sing?" It was Tommy's turn to nod.

I smiled and cleared my throat and started to sing a gentle song to sooth my baby brother's cries of pain.

Third person

"Am I allowed to look at her like that?" An older, 17 year old, Wilbur was hidden behind a tree as he his eyes trained on a girl around his age. Her hair was a fiery red and her skales where a fluorescent sea foam green, her tail was what caught Wilbur at first.

"Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at?" Wilbur felt his cheeks burn red as he admired her beauty.

"She smells like lemongrass and sleep." Wilbur stepped on a stick and alerted the beautiful girl. She snapped her head back and locked eyes with Wilbur.

"She tastes like apple juice and peach." Her eyes shined like the galaxies, the black of her eyes captured Wilbur's gazr like a void.

"Oh, you would find her, in a polaroid picture." She hid her blush and jumped back into the water.

"Wait! Please!" Wilbur ran to the body of water she jumped into. "And she, means everything to me."


"I'd never tell," Wilbur kneeled down on the rock she once sat on. "I won't hurt you, please come back out." His eyes looked around the body of water for her. "No, I'd never say a word."

"And oh it aches." WIlbur looked over to where he heard a small splosh of water. "But it feels oddly good to hurt." The beautiful girl's eyes trained on him, only her eyes and hair were seen.

"She smells like lemongrass and sleep," She gasped and sank back into the water. "She tastes like apple juice and peach." Wilbur huffed and sat back on the rock as he tried to think of a way to get her out.

"Oh you would find her in a polaroid picture," Wilbur lit up as he thought of an idea. "And she means everything to me." Wilbur got up and went back to his hidden spot from before and grabbed his guitar, it was a bit roughed up but it still worked nevertheless.

"Oh, Oh," Wilbur sat back down on the rocks edge. "Oh, Oh." He took a deep breath and started to strum the guitar. "And I'll be okay," He found the right tune and began to sing. "Admiring from afar."

The beautiful woman hid behind a rock as she listened to the musician's song. "Cause even when she's next to me," Her face bloomed red as she figured he was singing about her. "We could not be more far apart."

Wilbur kept his eyes closed as he felt the music sway him. "Cause she tastes like birthday cake, and story time, and fall" He heard the swish and waves of the water. "But to her I taste nothing at all."

"And he smells like lemongrass and sleep," Wilbur smiled widely. "He tastes like apple juice and peach."

"You would find her in a polaroid picture," Wilbur slowly opened his eyes and locked eyes with the beautiful girl. "And she means everything to me. " Her face was inches away from Wilbur's as she used the rock he sat on to lean up to him.

"Yes he means everything to me." The gap seemed to get smaller and smaller.

"(S)He means everything to me." The gap disappeared as the two made contact, the shadow's of the sun showed their figures morphed together from the lips.

Wilbur's Pov

I stopped my singing and looked down at Tommy. "Bud?" He had fallen asleep again. I sighed and gently laid him down. "Get some rest, and heal up bud." I kissed his head and left the room in search of Nikki or Puffy.

'Mom, please, PLEASE! Keep Tommy safe, please heal him, please I can't lose him like I lost you. Tommy, stay with me, don't leave me like Dad did, don't leave me like mom did.' For the first time in a couple years I felt tears spill from my eyes. "Puffy!" I yelled in agony, I felt like a kid again when I yelled for my father not to leave.

'Please... Anyone.... Help my brother...'

(Schools almost over! Woo!)

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