Smells like mother's brother XD

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Third person pov

The last couple of weeks were exhausting for Wilbur and lonely for Tommy.

"I'll be back before dinner."

"I promise I'll be here when you wake up."

"I'll be back before you know it."

Tommy rolled his eyes as Wilbur ruffled his hair. "I'll play with you later, promise." He left without another word.

"That's what you always say." Tommy sighed sadly as he looked at his waffle and bacon.

"Tommy wanna go play with Jack? Oh and after we can go eat you favorite cake at Nikkis!" Tubbo emerged from his room. "We can play hide and seek! Or police! Or war!" He grinned as he walked over to him, hopping onto one of the chairs. "Come on!"

Tommy sighed and put up a small smile. "Okay, you go get Jack and I'll get some toys."

"Okay!" Tubbo giggled and skipped out of the house.

Tommy's smile faded as he looked back at his food. "Maybe Dad will have time for me." Deep down Tommy knew it was a lie but that didn't stop him from hoping. "Doesn't matter what Dream asks of him," He slipped out the seat leaving his full plate behind as he walked towards his room. "I come first." He grabbed his shoes and some poorly hand crafted toys. "Maybe if we show him a new game he'll come faster." He smiled to himself as he tried to keep a positive mind set.

"Tommy!" Tubbo shouted as he pulled over an unphased Jack Manifold outside their house.

"Coming!" Tommy yelled as he slipped on his shoes.

"Hurry up! We can go to the lake today!" Tommy held the toys tightly and ran out the house.

"Hey little fuck." Jack looked over at Tommy. "Ready to go?" He ruffled Tommy's hair.

"Mhm!" Tommy held one of Jack's hands as Tubbo held the other, all three of them walking towards the lake as they made small talk.

Tommy could barely focus on the conversations as his mind conjured up ways on how he and his brother would hang out later like Wilbur promised.

He thought of him and his brother playing tag like they used to or him and his brother playing house where Wilbur always played the dog and Tommy played the super cool big brother and Tubbo as the mad, 'mom and dad combined duh' Tubbo would always say.

A large smile took over Tommy's face as he started to mistake fantasy over reality, forgetting about the past promises Wilbur broke.

Meanwhile Wilbur was having the time of his life. "Is this what manhunt is?" He felt his hair fall flat on his face from the water balloon Sapnap threw.

"Eh minus the killing part, its waterhunt." George laughed, his goggles discarded somewhere as his soaked hair would just cover them in water.

"Yeah and you guys suck at dodging." Dream threw two balloons at George and Sapnap, hitting them square in the chest.

"Yeah, same goes for you." Wilbur threw his balloon towards Dream but was only able to reach his calf. "Wow, I was trying to go for, like, a super cool guy saving the day or like calling the villain hypocritical in a cool hero monologue but that was a huge let down."

"You just suck at fighting." Dream laughed. "I'm gonna be back guys, we're low on balloons and I'm hungry." He grabbed a bucket and left with a wave towards his house.

"By the way Sapnap, how come you moved here?" Wilbur pushed his wet hair back as the sun started to dry them off.

Sapnap looked away, now clearly uncomfortable. "I just uh wanted to follow my best friend Dream." He sounded nervous, the response feeling robotic almost as if it was the only way to answer the question.

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