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Wilbur's Pov

I must have fallen asleep at some point because then I felt a blinding light hit my eyes.

I grumbled and sat up, I was at a daze at first, I sat down and stared off into space for a couple minutes before my senses came back to me.

I look over at Tommy and start to shake him. "Tom's, time to get up." Silence, not a groan of complaint or anything I was starting to get worried. "Come on Tom's get up, we have to go home." I started shaking him harder. "Get up."

"...Wilbbyyyyy." After what felt like forever I heard his voice.

I sighed in relief and smiled. "Ready to go home?" Tommy smiled weakly at that and then started coughing. "I'll get you a water bud." I kissed his head and slipped out of the bed.

"Dad?" I looked over at him. "Be back fast, please?" I smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I'll be back before you can count to a hundred." "Okay! One, two, three..."I chuckled silently as Tommy started to count.

I quickly left the room and started to make my way to the kitchen, I could hear distant cries as I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I was a bit confused as I slowly walked towards the kitchen exit. I knew it's a bad thing to do but I started to listen to the crying person's conversation.

"He's gone Foolish, my little duckling just left." It was puffy, she was sobbing as she spoke to Foolish.

"I know papa, Maybe he'll come back home. Maybe he just left for some fresh air. Or maybe he went camping?" I could tell Foolish was trying to ease her mind but it was clearly failing, he kind of sucks at this.

"My baby!" Puffy sobs loudly, making me flinch slightly. "He's only 13!" I heard Foolish trying to calm her down as she kept wailing.

I shook my head and determined I didn't really care so I left the kitchen and made my way back to Tommy.

'Was she talking about Dream? Why did he leave? I mean he has everything here.' My mind swirled with why's and what if's. I walked into Tommy's room as one thought stuck in my head 'Did he leave for a new start? To live and be on his own without having to have anyone breathe down on him?' I stopped in my tracks as I looked at Tommy's figure sitting upright on the bed.

'What if...' "Wilby!" I snapped out of my thoughts as Tommy coughed out my name. "Wilby!"

"I hear you, I hear you." I smiled and walked over to him. "Here's your water," I gave it to him and he immediately started to gulp it down. "Once you're done we can go home." I sat on the edge of the bed as I looked at him fondly.

"I'm feel good! Can we go to festival?" He gave me a cheeky grin.

I put my hand on his forehead, it was still boiling to the touch. "Nice try child, give it a little more time." Tommy puffed his cheeks and looked down. "The festival isn't going anywhere, I promise I'll take you." I grabbed the empty cup he held and slid off the bed. "Put on your shoes so we can go home."

"Okay!" I slipped on my shoes and left for the kitchen again.

This time, when I went to the kitchen, I saw a Puffy sniffling over the sink, washing dishes.

'I don't wanna ask but...' I looked at the empty cup in my hands, I sighed and walked up to her.

"Puffy," She tensed at my voice. "Why are you crying?"

She wiped her hands on her pants and wiped at her face. "Oh don't worry about it Wilbur, what do you need honey?"

"I was gonna wash this," I showed her the cup. "And then I was gonna head home."

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