But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day...

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Third pov

"Damn how long has it been since I left home?" Mumbled Wilbur who made his way out of hypixel. "Dad must be worried." He sighed as he thought about his father, Philza, the most scariest man out there to live. "Eh I'll be fine, he's too busy with his season four world." He started to walk along a dirt path.

He doesn't know why but his feet started to lead him to a different path then the one that leads him home. "Why doesn't dad just try moving away or something? I get that he loves the house a lot but it is practically abandoned." He let out a long sigh as he kicks a rock out of his way.

"Maybe I can ask Techno to help convince Dad to move away." He grinned. "Could live in the arctic empire or make a new empire... nah a country!" He nodded to himself.

I used to hear a simple song

Wilbur hummed as he stopped in front of a sign with the words 'Dream SMP' written on it. 'Huh, didn't Sally once say she was from here?'

That was until you came along.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked into the land, not knowing he started his endless story.

Now in its place is something new

He kept walking down the path and looked at all the nice buildings around it and the beauty of nature it held, an itch going down Philza's spine as he started to realize something was wrong.

I hear it when I look at you

Wilbur felt a sense of deja vu no familiarity hit him as he looked at two of the houses. One of them kind of looked like one he saw in his dreams but it wasn't destroyed...

With simple songs I wanted more

Wilbur shook his thoughts away and started to walk again, some people ran past him but he didn't care much.

Perfection is so quick to bore

Though one of them that ran past him was very tall and wore an elegant, royal-like, attire. They certainly piqued his interest.

You are more beautiful by far

This land doesn't look so bad, maybe he'll take his dad here, make a vacation home. He'll have to send a bird to Techno and see if maybe he would like to come as well.

Our flaws are who we really are

Wilbur felt some mass hit him from behind. "S'cuse me sir!" He turned around and saw the small frame of a boy, around fifteen or fourteen. He appeared to be a sheep hybrid of sorts. "I have stuff to do, oh and also welcome!" He had the same accent as me and Dad.

I used to hear a simple song

Before I could call out or say anything to him he ran off. "He reminds me of someone..." Wilbur recalled his dreams but everytime he tried to think of the boy his mind would scramble in on itself.

That was until you came along

"It's probably nothing." Wilbur sighed and kept walking down the path until he was faced to face with a somewhat wooded area.

You took my broken melody

Wilbur could distinctly make out a human figure and started to walk over.

And now I hear a symphony

"Excuse me?" Wilbur called out as he walked up behind the figure.

And now I hear a symphony.

The boy turned around and looked at Wilbur. "What?"

Wilbur tucked his hands into his orange and blue letterman jacket as he looked at the slightly shorter blonde kid in front of him, no older than fourteen. "Hey kid, what's up with this place?"

"I dunno, who are you?" The blonde boy asked.

"I'm Wilbur, Wilbur soot. You?" Wilbur held a hand out towards the boy.

"Tommy innit big man!" Tommy replied enthusiastically as he took Wilbur's hand, immediately shaking it violently.

Wilbur in turn laughed with a smile. "It's nice to meet you kid." Wilbur shook his hand gently when Tommy stopped. "Nice to meet new faces."



Should I do a chapter explaining XD killing Dream? A chapter on Fundy?

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