Tommyz (and Tuddos) kewl advenchair

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Tommy's pov

"Ow." I opened my eyes as I felt Tubbo's hand smack my face. "Thanks a lot Tub's" I moved his hand and sat up. "Looks like early day." I jumped out of bed and slipped on my shoes, Bean peacefully asleep on top of the turned off lantern.

"Mmmm." Tubbo groaned and buried himself in the pillow further.

"Up Tubbo!" I jumped on him and shook him, my cool loudness waking up Bean in the process.. "Up! Up! Up! We leave remember!" I kept shaking him and being my cool loudself.

"Noooo I wanna sleep!" Tubbo pushed me and buried himself under the covers.

"Come on big man! Don't you want to go find a bee?" I pulled at the covers.

"Bees?! Maybe we can find a moobloom too!" Tubbo sat up excitedly, letting the covers go, making me fall to the floor.

"Ouch." I rubbed my butt as I stood back up. "Didn't Wilbuh said mooblooms don't exist?"

"Wilbur is a big dumb dumb because they do exist!" Tubbo slid off the bed.

"I dunno Tub'z I think Wilbur's right." I passed him his shoes.

"I'll prove him wrong." Tubbo puffed his cheeks and slipped on his shoes he then grabbed Bean and planted it on his shoulder.

"Yeah yeah." I looked at the door and saw a small note. "Huh?" I picked it up and read it. "I went for food" I grinned evilly. "He didn't say no fire." 

Tubbo grinned. "Bomb! Let's use a bomb!"

"What's a bomb?" Sounded like a candy bar.

"I read it in one of Wilbur's books, it's something that goes boom!"  Tubbo giggled.

"Woah! I like boom! Let's use a bomb!" I excitedly opened the door and scurried out with Tubbo. "Okay where do we put bomb? Where is bomb?!"

"Oh, uhm." Tubbo had his eyes looking up as he tried to think. "I dunno were bomb is, we'll look for bomb!"

"Okay!" I grabbed his hand and started to wander around with him, bumping into villagers every now and then.

"Should we ask?" I nodded without thinking because my brain is so smart and cool.

"'Scuse me sir!" Tubbo lightly tugged on a villager with thick black gloves. "Do you know where we can find a bomb?"

The villager looked confused but shrugged. "Find a creeper, now buzz off kid it's dangerous for a kid to be around a blacksmith's workplace."

"We not kids, we seven." I huffed and walked away, pulling Tubbo along with me. "Where do we find a creeper?"

"I don't think we should find creeper, Wilbur says-"

"I don't care what he says because he's dumb," I puffed my cheeks. "And I'm a big strong man!"

"Okay if you say so. Let's go find creeper!" Tubbo and I made our way out of the hotel and walked down on the grass.

"Look Tommy! Cows!" I whipped my head over to Tubbo then to where he was pointing and low and behold the most beautifuler cooler cow I have ever seen.

"Cow!" I squealed and ran over to it, dragging Tubbo. "Let's steal it!" I ran into the fence.

"Tommy be careful!" Tubbo stood on the fence and looked through the gaps. "Stop hurting yourself." He giggled

"I'm strong, I will be good!" I grinned and hopped up on the fence. "Okay how we get in?"

"Uhm, climb?" Tubbo shrugged, Bean chirped and flapped its wings against Tubbo's shoulder.

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