please wake up

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Puffy's Pov

"Nikki is he okay?" I tucked Tommy into the bed after we finished cleaning him up.

"He should be, maybe he ate something bad earlier," She put her hand on his head. "No fever." She sighed.

"I'll tell Wilbur, I'm sure he's worried out of his mind." I got up and made my way to the door.

"Puffy, can you bird Philza to come back?" I stopped and held the door knob. "I just want to be safe and Wilbur, he's just a kid. He shouldn't have to be dead worried over his little brother."

"...Yeah, I'll send him a message." I smiled at Nikki, making her smile back. I leave the room and start to make my way towards Dream's room, I'm not gonna bird Phil because I know for a fact he won't care nor would he give his time to come back just for an upset stomach.

I shook my head and opened Dream's door. "Wilbur? Are you in here?" I poked my head in

"Right here mom." I walked in and saw Dream sitting at the otherside of the bed, another puff of hair being seen on said side.

"Hey little duckling." I walked over and sat down next to Wilbur. "Hey Wilbur, how are ye feelling?" I cursed silently as a bit of my 'pirate' accent seeped in.

Wilbur just shrugged slightly, it didn't even look like he was here.

"Tommy's fine," Wilbur's body visibly relaxed. "He just had an upset stomach." from what we know so far, I wanted to add but I didn't want him to worry. "He just needs some rest."

"Okay, thanks Puffy." Wilbur mumbled as he weakly smiled. "Can I go see him?" I nodded and stood up, holding my hand out for him.

Wilbur stood up and held my hand hesitantly, poor kid's not used to attention.

Wilbur's Pov

I felt a little weird holding someone who's bigger than me hand, nevertheless I followed her to where Tommy was. I really do hope Tommy's fine. Tommy's never really been sick, very surprisingly this boy eats anything he sees, but Puffy just said it was an upset stomach. I'll just have to hold her up on that.

Puffy opened the door and I quickly ran in and went straight to Tommy's side. Nikki looked a little surprised as I shoved past her to get to Tommy.

"Tommy asleep right now dear, he'll be fine." Nikki spoke softly, trying to reassure me.

"I know." I mumbled as I stayed glued to Tommy's side.

"You can enjoy the party and I'll come get you when he's better."

"No thank you, I'll stay here."

Nikki looked at Puffy worriedly but she just shook her head. "Call if you need anything Kid." I just nodded as I kept a close eye on Tommy. Puffy sighed and walked out with Niki.

Puffy's Pov

"Puffy, I'm worried. Wilbur doesn't even want to move his eyes from Tommy." Nikki crossed his arms.

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